Interim Agreement
This agreement derives its name from its position in longer term negotiation. It will record matters agreed to along the path to a final agreement. Some or most of the matters will be of a temporary nature intended to be superseded by the envisaged final agreement. The agreement may also record matters agreed to in principle, which will be fully defined in a final draft. Where of the latter type this type of agreement may also be known as a draft agreement.
Bandjalang Interim Licences Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)20/11/2018 
Barkandji Interim Licences Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 20/11/2018 
North East Goldfields (Interim) Heritage Site Clearance Protocol8/02/1998
Rubibi Interim Agreement with the Shire of Broome (1 May 1996)1/05/1996 
Wotjobaluk In-Principle Native Title Agreement1/01/2002

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