Land Transfer Agreement
'Land transfer agreement' is a term which describes the subject matter of an agreement, rather than a specific category of agreement. A land transfer agreement is an agreement which includes the transfer of land from one party to another.
Agreement to return Walga Rock to the custodial care of its traditional owners 18/11/2004
Biamanga and Gulaga National Parks Land Transfer6/05/2006
Bromley Land Transfer Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)30/01/2018 
Comalco Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (Western Cape Communities Co-existence Agreement)24/08/2001 
Daintree Handback 29/01/2021
Gold Coast Land Transfer Agreement28/07/1998
Gulf Communities Agreement1/09/1997
Land Tenure Agreement between the State of Queensland, the Western Yalanji People, and Alan and Karen Pedersen28/09/1998
Larapinta Land Release1/01/2003

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