A publicly elected body which has governing authority over a political unit.
Housing New Zealand Corporation
Ashley Youth Detention Centre
Black Economic Empowerment Advisory Council
Chief Executive Officer (Housing)
Conservation and Parks Commission (WA)
Department of Conservation (NZ)
Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) (Cth)
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (South Africa)
Department of Land Affairs (South Africa)
Department of Lands, Planning and Environment (NT)
Department of Minerals and Energy (South Africa)
Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts (NT)
Department of Public Works (South Africa)
Department of State and Regional Development (NSW)
Department of Trade and Industry (South Africa)
Deputy Premier of New South Wales
District Council of Elliston
Ethridge Shire Council
Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Government of the Republic of Indonesia
Government of the Republic of South Africa
High Court of Australia1/01/1901
Land Information (New Zealand)
McKinley Shire Council
Mid West Development Commission
Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, and Minister for Sustainability, Environment, and Conservation (South Australia)
Ministry for Culture and Heritage (New Zealand)
Ministry of Economic Development (New Zealand)
Ministry of Fisheries (New Zealand)
Ministry of Maori Affairs (New Zealand)
Ministry of Social Development (New Zealand)
National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)29/05/2019
New Zealand Geographic Board
Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility (NAIF)1/07/2016
Pilbara Ports Authority1/07/2014
Police Force of the Northern Territory
State of Queensland represented by the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service
Taranaki Regional Council
Territory of Papua
The Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of Home Affairs

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