Leadership agreements aim to develop leadership qualities in members of Indigenous communities.
Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018 (Vic)1/08/2018
North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd (NAILSMA)3/12/2012
Bar Barrum #2-#7 and Tablelands Regional Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 21/09/2012 
Ngai Tâmanuhiri Initialled Deed of Settlement 16/12/2010
Illawarra Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA)9/12/2010
'Pathways to Community Control' Co-operative Framework11/11/2009
Mutual Respect Agreement between the Yugul Mangi Elders and the Northern Territory Police29/06/2009 
Murdi Paaki Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA)28/01/2009
Meenah Mienne Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 8/08/2008
Groote Eylandt Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) (Stage 1)20/05/2008 
Steering Committee for the Development of a Victorian Native Title Settlement Framework18/03/2008
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Final Agreement 23/07/2007
Ceduna Town 'Ceduna leadership training and social development through revitalising the TWT Gym' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 13/06/2007
Orange 'Better Pathways For Our Youth' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)31/05/2007
West Inala Panthers 'Pride of Place' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 18/05/2007
Local Indigenous Partnership Agreement (Mornington Island) 16/05/2007
Port Augusta/Davenport Communities 'Polly Farmer Foundation' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)21/08/2006
Armadale Noongar Corporation 'ANC Social SRA' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)7/06/2006
Raukkan 'Building Community Capacity' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)30/05/2006
Bundaberg 'Bundaberg Families' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 23/03/2006
2 Indidge Under 17's Touch Football Team 'Building leadership skills of young women' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)15/12/2005
Bourke 'Yaamma Festival' Shared Responsibility Agreement 2/11/2005
Wiluna 'Women's leadership through participating in family wellbeing program' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)21/10/2005
Laverton 'Stronger families through Bluelight' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 5/09/2005
Bagot 'Community Development' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 8/08/2005
Australian Reconciliation Convention26/05/1997
United Nations24/10/1945
Australian Army1/03/1901
Illawarra Koori Men's Support Group
Burdekin Area Youth Watch
Wodi Wodi Traditional Elders Group
Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council
Uluru Statement From the Heart 
Illawarra Aboriginal Community Based Working Group
Bidyadanga Aboriginal Corporation La Grange Incorporated
Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation for the State of South Australia
Queensland Government Treaty Statement of Commitment  
Empowered Communities
Yirrkala Bark Petition Signatories
Dooley (Winyirin) Bin Bin
First People of the Millewa-Mallee people
Deerubbin Local Aboriginal Land Council
KEJ Traditional Elders Group

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