Economic Development
Economic Development agreements aim to provide economic development opportunities for Indigenous people party to, or affected by, the agreement.
Northern Gas Pipeline: Phillip Creek Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)7/04/2017 
1972 Seabed Boundaries Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the Republic of Indonesia on Seabed Boundaries in the Area of the Timor and Arafura Seas.9/10/1972 
Abm Elgoring Ambung Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC17/12/2008
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Providing Freehold) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2015 (Qld)1/01/2015
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) Memorandum of Understanding1/01/1998
Aboriginal Engagement in Resouce Development: Industry Leading Practices14/11/2008 
Adnyamathanha Traditional Lands Association (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC12/01/2001
Agreement between Mayala and Pluton Resources
Agreement between the Far West Coast Native Title Group and Iluka Resources18/12/2007
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste relating to the Unitisation of the Sunrise and Troubadour fields6/03/2003 
Agreement Concerning a New Relationship Between the Government of Quebec and the Crees of Quebec7/02/2002
Agreement Concerning the Continued Operation of the Treaty between Australia and the Republic of Indonesia on the Zone of Cooperation of 11 December 1989 (the Timor Gap Treaty)
Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Service Delivery between The Commonwealth of Australia and The Government of Queensland
Akaitcho Interim Measures Agreement 200128/06/2001
Akaitcho Treaty 8 Framework Agreement 200025/07/2000
Akiba on behalf of the Torres Strait Regional Seas Claim Group v Commonwealth of Australia (2013) HCA 337/08/2013
Akwerrperl Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC24/08/2112
Alcan South Pacific Agreement3/09/1997
Alherramp Ilewerr Mamp Arrangkey Tywerl Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC16/06/2013
Alice Springs to Darwin Railway Agreement1/09/1998 
Alice Springs Town Camp Agreement
All Abilities Playspace Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)15/10/2019 
Amanbidji Station Cooperative Lease Agreements1/01/2004
Angus Downs Joint Management Indigenous Protected Area
Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC22/08/1997 
APLNG & Mandandanji Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)19/10/2011
APLNG and Gaangalu Nation People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 6/01/2014  
APLNG and Iman People Fairview and Eurombah Creek Projects Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 4/09/2013  
APY Lands Regional Partnership Agreement  
Arabana Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC21/05/2012
Arakwal State Recreation Area Agreement3/04/1997
Armadale Noongar Corporation 'ANC Economic SRA' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 26/04/2006
Arrow Barada Barna People and Wiri People LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)6/06/2011
Arrow Birri LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 1/07/2011
Arrow Energy Pty Ltd  
Arrow Jangga LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 9/12/2011 
Arrow Wiri LNG Project Indigneous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 6/06/2011
Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation 2/06/2000
Assembly of First Nations
Association of Collective Investments
Atambaya Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTB16/09/2022
Auburn Hawkwood People Corporation RNTBC
Australia Pacific LNG and Iman People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 11/11/2011 
Australia Pacific LNG Pty Limited Wulli Wulli Djaku-nde and Jangerie Jangerie Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)7/09/2011
Australian Reconciliation Convention26/05/1997
Ayapathu Aboriginal Corporation25/05/2022
Badu Ar Mua Migi Lagal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC13/02/2006
Badu Child Care Centre Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 23/04/2013  
Badu Island Police Station and Watchhouse Indigenous Land Use Agreement28/10/2011 
Bagot 'Community Development' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 8/08/2005
Balanggarra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC15/09/1997
Ballardong People Land Use Agreement (ILUA)17/10/2018 
Bana Mindilji Aboriginal Corporation14/12/2001
Bandjalang Aboriginal Corporation Prescribed Body Corporate RNTBC30/08/2013
Banjima Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC31/10/2013
Barada Barna Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC19/01/2016
Barada Barna People
Barada Barna People, Widi People and Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)30/08/2016 
Bar-Barrum Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC29/03/2000
Bardi and Jawi Niimidiman Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC26/11/2007
Barengi Gadjin Land Council Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC16/03/2005 
Barkandji Native Title Group Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC23/05/2007
Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC11/04/2017
Barra Parrapi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC27/08/2021
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education / Northern Territory Government Partnership Agreement 1/07/2007
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation and Jurlique International Joint Venture Agreement
Bellary Springs Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)8/01/2019 
Benda Bluff & Collara Mts Agreement1/01/1999
BGP Northern Land Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)5/03/2009
BGP Tenure Holdings Pty Ltd4/03/2008
BHP Billiton - Government of the Northwest Territories Socio-Economic Agreement1/10/1996
Bigambul Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Billiluna 'Fuel Bowsers' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 13/06/2005
Binthi Land Holding Group Aboriginal Corporation23/09/2016
Birriah Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC30/07/2015
Black Economic Empowerment
Bonalbo Aboriginal Corporation17/12/2001
Boonthamurra Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC18/05/2015
Bowraville 'Bowraville Comprehensive Shared Responsibility Agreement' (SRA) 9/07/2007
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (South Africa) 7/01/2004 
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice 9/02/2007 
Bromley Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC24/03/2016
Browse LNG Precinct Regional Benefits Agreement30/06/2011
Budina Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC20/09/2017
Budjiti Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC 23/03/2015
Bulganunna Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC6/08/2012
Bundi Yamatji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC21/01/2020
Bundjalung of Byron Bay (Arakwal) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Bundjalung of Byron Bay (Arakwal) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)28/08/2001  
Bunuba Dawangarri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC30/11/2012
Burringurrah Community Aboriginal Corporation9/09/1987
Burrup and Maitland Industrial Estates Agreement Implementation Deed1/01/2003 
Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC4/09/2014
Buthera Agreement16/02/2018 
Buurabalayji Thalanyji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC15/08/2008
Byron Shire-Arakwal People Heads of Agreement16/10/1998
Canteen Creek Store Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)10/11/2005
Cape York Model Agreement1/01/1992
Carapooee West Dam Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)17/09/2002 
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Final Agreement 23/07/2007
Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation27/04/1984
Carpentaria Shire Council - Tagalaka People #2 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 23/07/2013  
Central Highlands Gravel Pty Ltd
Central Norseman Gold Corporation Limited
Central Queensland Indigenous Development Ltd.
Charlottetown Accord 19921/01/1992
Choorechillum (Ngadjon Jii PBC) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC5/12/2008
Chum Street Car Park Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)14/05/2008 
Churdy Pool Siding Special Lease Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 11/11/2011 
Circular Head 'Advancing Women Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)1/10/2007
City of Albany Aboriginal Accord27/03/2003 
City of Albany Aboriginal Accord Action Plan27/03/2003 
City of Albany Statement of Understanding and Commitment30/11/1999
City of Melbourne Indigenous Framework 2007-2010
City of Port Phillip Memorandum of Understanding with our Indigenous Community 199911/03/1999 
Coal and Allied Cultural Heritage Management Agreement1/01/2001
Coal and Allied Memorandum of Understanding1/01/1999
Combined Gunggandji and Cairns Regional Council Indigneous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)22/12/2011
Communique between the Government of the State of Tasmania and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC)14/11/2001
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
Construction Sector Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Charter 9/02/2007
Coolgaree Bay Sponge Farm Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)22/12/2005 
Co-operation Agreement between Malachite Resources NL and the United Githabul Tribal Nation Aboriginal Corporation26/02/2007
CS Energy
Daintree Handback 29/01/2021
Dambimangari Aboriginal Corporation18/09/2006
Darumbal Enterprises Pty Ltd
Darumbal Marlborough Nickel Project Area #2 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 11/07/2006 
Darumbal People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC16/05/2016 
Dauanalgaw (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation and Islanders Board of Industry and Services Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 19/12/2011
Dauanalgaw (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC24/01/2000
Davenport, Umoona and Nepabunna Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA)  
De Rose Hill - Ilpalka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC13/12/2006
Delaney on behalf of the Quandamooka People #2 v State of Queensland [2011] FCA 741 (4 July 2011)4/07/2011
Deline Self-Government Agreement-in-Principle for the Sahtu Dene and Metis of Deline 200323/08/2003
Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (QLD)
Desert Knowledge Australia1/01/2002
Diavik Diamonds Project Socio-Economic Monitoring Agreement 2/10/1999 
Dieri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC2/05/2012
Dja Dja Wurrung and Chewton Dingo Conservation Centre Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)28/03/2014  
Dja Dja Wurrung and Chum Street Car Park Sale Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 16/10/2013  
Djabugay Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC16/06/2004
Dogrib Comprehensive Land Claim and Self-Government Agreement-in-Principle7/01/2000
Dogrib Treaty 11 Council Participation Agreement with Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.6/04/2000
Doongara Mining Lease Application1/10/2000
Draft Black Economic Empowerment Charter for the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector
Dulabed and Malanbarra Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC5/11/2009
Dunolly Vineyard Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)17/08/2001 
Eastern Guruma Agreement1/01/2001
Eastern Kuku Yalanji & Cook Shire Council Local Government Agreement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)5/10/2007 
Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC11/07/2011 
Eidsvold 'Opportunities for Young People' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)17/10/2005
Ely Bauxite Mining Project Agreement
EMM Consulting Pty Ltd29/01/2010
Employment Equity Act 1998 (South Africa)19/10/1998
Empowered Communities
Energy Developments Pty Limited
Erub Island Multi Purpose Facility Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 4/11/2016 
Esperance Tjaltrjraak Native tItle Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC23/03/2015
Evolution Mining (Cowal) Pty Ltd1/03/1978
Ewamian People - Forsayth Wind Farm Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 30/05/2013  
Ewamian People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC8/10/2013  
Ewamian People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)22/01/2014  
Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC2/12/2013
Far West Coast Native Title Settlement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 22/04/2014 
Financial Sector Charter Council
Financial Sector Charter on Black Economic Empowerment
First Nations Legal and Research Services (FNLRS)12/08/2003
Framework Agreement between the Native Title Claimants, the Rubibi Working Group and the State of Western Australia1/01/1998
Free Eyre Limited
Galiwin'ku 'Foodcard' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)17/05/2007
Galiwin'ku 'Health, Culture, Facilities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)24/08/2005
Gangali Narra Widi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC9/03/2016
Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC26/04/2010
Garboi (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC1/08/2005
Gathering Strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan 1998
Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC16/12/2011
Geberalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC18/09/2001
Giants Reef Exploration Pty Ltd Edna Beryl Agreement28/11/1998 
Giants Reef Mining Limited Chariot Mines Agreement17/07/2002
Giniyjawarrni Yoowaniya Riwi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC22/11/2019
Girramay People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC29/06/2007
Githabul Nation Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC20/11/2006
Gkuthaarn and Kukatj Aboriginal Corporation4/09/2018
Gnaala Karla Booja (Boddington) Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA)
Gnaala Karla Booja Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)17/10/2018 
Gnardumunn 'Expanding the Gnardumunn Cultural Tourism Business' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)20/04/2006
Goemulgaw (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC24/01/2000
Gogolanyngor Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC12/11/2018
Goondaloo Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC10/11/2008
Gooniyandi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC17/04/2013
Goorring Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC11/03/2020
Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (Qld)
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Greater Shepparton Shared Responsibility Agreement4/09/2003
Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island Enterprises (GEBIE) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 16/08/2005
Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island Enterprises Aboriginal Corporation (GEBIE)12/12/2001
Groote Eylandt Mining Company Pty Ltd 1/12/1964
Groote Eylandt Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) (Stage 1)20/05/2008 
Groote Eylandt Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) (Stage 2)10/11/2009 
Gudang Yadhaykenu Native Title Aboriginal Corporation21/07/2022
Gudjuda Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation
Gugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC 
Gugu Badhun People and Hidden Valley Cabins Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)10/03/2014  
Gulf Communities Agreement1/09/1997
Gulf Region Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC8/11/2008
Gulin Gulin Buffalo Company Land Use Agreement14/11/2002
Gulngay Kinjufile Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC19/03/2018
Gumala Aboriginal Corporation
Gumatj Aboriginal Corporation - Forestry Tasmania Memorandum of Understanding4/03/2009
Gumbaynggirr Wenonah Head Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC8/05/2010 
Gunarmu Aboriginal Corporation26/06/2007
Gunggandji PBC Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC22/07/2022
Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples PBC Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC22/03/2013
Gurindji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC17/05/2013
Guwa-Koa Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC29/04/2020
Gwichi'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement Implementation Plan 2003
Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement1/01/1992
Gwich'in Tribal Council
Hail Creek Coal Agreement Wiri Yuwiburra1/01/1998
Hooker Creek Aboriginal Land Trust Lease Agreement
Hopevale Congress Aboriginal Corporation - Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 8/04/2014  
Hopevale Congress Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC30/08/2001
Ian Ross McLennan and Bronwen McLennan10/03/2014
IBIS - Warraber Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)16/08/2013  
Ilkewartn Ywel Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC26/07/2006
Illawarra Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA)9/12/2010
Ilperrelhelam Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Implementation Plan for the Nisga'a Final Agreement1/01/2000
Indigenous Carbon Industry Network20/09/2021
Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation1/06/1995
Indigenous Partnership Agreement 2007-2010 (Qld) 23/07/2007 
Indigenous Small Business Fund (ISBF)
Indjalandji-Dhidhanu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC23/10/2012
Ingkekure Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC17/05/2019
Injarnyala Aboriginal Corporation
Inuit Partnership Accord31/05/2005
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
Irretyepwenty Ywentent Pwert Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC9/01/2014
Irrwanyere Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC9/02/1990
Isis Central Sugar Mill Rail Agreement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)6/03/2020 
Island Industries Board trading as Islanders Board of Industry and Service
Islanders Board of Industry and Service
Iytwelepwenty Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC26/07/2006
Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC5/10/2007
Jabiru Region Sustainability Project1/01/2003
James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and Complementary Agreements11/11/1975
Jangga People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)24/10/2013  
Jangga People/Clermont Group Quarry Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 9/12/2013 
Jaru Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC7/06/2021
Jidi Jidi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC24/10/2000
Jinibara People Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Body Corporate RNTBC26/10/2012
Jinparrak Aboriginal Corporation20/07/2016
Joint Bar-Barrum Jirrbal Herberton Project Indigneous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)28/07/2008
Joombarn-buru Aboriginal Corporation9/09/2121
Kaapay Kuuyun Aboriginal Corporation7/10/2121
Kakadu National Park, The Northern Territory of Australia, Memorandum of Lease1/01/1991
Kalkadoon Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC15/11/2011
Kalumburu 'Kalumburu Store' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)2/02/2006
Karajarri Traditional Lands Association (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC20/12/1998
Kariyarra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC28/02/2016
Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC22/05/2001
Katanning Noongar Artists Community 'Mungart Boodja Art Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)24/02/2006
Kaurareg Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC13/11/2001
Kaytetye Alyawarr Awenyerraperte Ingkerr-wenh Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC23/12/2011
Kaytetye Tywerate Arenge Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC28/06/2012
Kimberley Land Council Argyle Diamond Mine Memorandum of Understanding1/01/2001
Kintyre Mining Development Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)19/08/2013  
Kitikmeot Inuit Association Participation Agreement with Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.23/09/2001
Kluane First Nation Final Agreement 200311/04/2003
Kluane First Nation Final Agreement Implementation Plan 2003
Kluane First Nation Self-Government Agreement 200318/10/2003
Kluane First Nation Self-Government Agreement Implementation Plan 200318/10/2003
Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC7/08/2014
Kooma Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC5/05/2014
Kowanyama People v State of Queensland [2009] FCA 1192 (22 October 2009)22/10/2009 
Kuku Yalanji People
Kulaluk and Minmarama Park 'Developing a Mud-Crab Business' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)1/01/2005
Kulkalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC7/06/2002  
Kullilli Bulloo River Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC15/07/2009 
Kultju Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Kulyakartu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC27/09/2017
Kunin (Native Title) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC30/03/2004
Kuruma Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC16/05/2019
Kuuku Ya'u Kanthanampu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC19/03/2009
Kwanlin Dun First Nation Final Agreement 19/02/2005
Kwaty Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC31/05/2016
Kyburra Munda Yalga Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC5/07/2011
Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement 200329/08/2003
Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement-in-Principle 200125/06/2001
Labrador Inuit Land Claims Framework Agreement 199030/11/1990
Lake Mackay Joint Venture Heads of Agreement12/01/1996
Lama Lama Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC25/05/2022
Larapinta Land Release1/01/2003
Larrakia Nation 'Larrakia Rangers' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)22/02/2006
Larrakia Nation 'Lyons Community' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)22/02/2006
Laynhapuy Homelands Accociation Inc.
Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC8/04/2002
Lombadina 'Economic Development' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 9/05/2006
Lutsel K'e Dene Band Participation Agreement with Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.24/09/2001
Mabuiag Island Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 12/08/2013  
Magani Lagaugal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC13/05/2002
Malapa Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC20/07/2016
Malarngowem Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC26/07/2021
Malgana Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC5/11/2018
Malu Ki'ai (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC7/01/2002
Malu Lamar (Torres Strait Islander) Corporation RNTBC15/05/2010
Maluigal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC1/08/2005
Mamu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC18/04/2001
MaMu Canopy Walk Heads of Agreement24/03/2002 
Mamu People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 16/05/2012 
Mandingalbay Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC9/06/1999
Manna Hill Mining Company and the Kuyani/Adnyamathanha Peoples Agreement1/08/1997
Manningham City Council Indigenous Business Development
Many Rivers Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) 25/08/2009
Many Rivers Training, Enterprise and Employment Aboriginal Corporation
Marputu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC17/07/2014
Marthakal Homelands- Elcho Island 'Mechanical Workshop and Training Facility' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 10/05/2006
Masigalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC15/05/2000
Mayala Inninalang Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC24/05/2019
Mbabaram Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC15/07/2016
McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust Agreement 4/07/2007
Memorandum of Intent on Devolution and Resources Revenue Sharing 200122/05/2001
Memorandum of Understanding between Galarrwuy Yunupingu and the Commonwealth of Australia20/09/2007
Memorandum of Understanding between Malachite Resources NL and the Githabul People6/05/2004
Memorandum of Understanding between National Australia Bank and the Northern Land Council17/08/2011
Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Port Phillip and Its Indigenous Community11/09/2002 
Memorandum of Understanding between the Glenelg Shire Council and the Local Indigenous Community30/01/2002
Memorandum of Understanding between the Indigenous Land Corporation and Macquarie Bank15/12/2005
Memorandum of Understanding between the Indigenous Land Corporation, Central Land Council, Northern Land Council, NT Cattlemen's Association, NT Government and Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations19/08/2006
Memorandum of Understanding between the Kimberley Development Commission and the Kimberley Land Council1/08/2002
Memorandum of Understanding between the Minerals Council of Australia and the Commonwealth Government1/06/2005
Memorandum of Understanding between the Northern Land Council and the Territory Construction Association18/12/2002
Memorandum of Understanding between the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council and the Department of Industry and Resources8/10/2003
Memorandum of Understanding between the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council and Western Australian Local Government Association8/07/2003
Memorandum of Understanding of Timor Sea Arrangement5/07/2001 
Memorandum of Understanding on Arrangements Relating to the Timor Gap Treaty10/02/2000 
Memorandum of Understanding to Increase Indigenous Employment in the Queensland Resources Sector and Related Indigenous Enterprise Development23/07/2007
Mer Gedkem Le (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC4/08/2001
Mer Reserve Transfer Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)20/02/2013 
Mereenie Oil and Gas Agreement17/11/2002
Metis National Council
Mining Agreement Between Thor Mining and Eastern Arrernte Native Title Holders25/10/2007
Minister for Regional Development (Western Australia)
Miriuwung and Gajerrong # 4 (Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC3/11/2006
Miriuwung and Gajerrong #1 (Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC8/04/2005
Mitata Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC14/06/2012
Mitchell 'Sharing the Community's Cultural History' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)1/01/2005
Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC23/09/2015
Model Exploration & Mining Agreement between Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Ltd, Local Aboriginal Groups and the Northern Land Council1/01/2001
Model Exploration Agreement between De Beers Australia Exploration Ltd and Northern Land Council22/05/2002
Model Exploration Agreement between Tawana Resources NL and the Northern Land Council1/05/2002
Mokwiri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC29/02/2016
Mortlake Power Station Project Gas Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)27/09/2006 
Mossman Gorge 'Improving Economic Opportunities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)1/01/2005
Mount Riddock CLA NTP 6326(A) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)14/07/2020 
Mount Stretton Loan Agreement13/10/1995
Mpwerempwer Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC23/12/2009
Mt Denison Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC1/05/2012
Mt Lean Agreement1/01/2000
Mualgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC18/01/1999
Muir on behalf of the Woppaburra People v State of Queensland [2021] FCA 15053/12/2021 
Mulan 'Economic Strength and Healthy Kids' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)11/03/2005
Mulligan River Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC2/02/2021
Muluridji Tribal Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC5/07/2011
Mungarlu Ngurrarankatja Rirraunkaja Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC11/01/2010
Mura Badulgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation - Badu Island Pre-Prep Facility Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 28/10/2011 
Mura Badulgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC8/02/2021
Murdi Paaki Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA)28/01/2009
Murrin Murrin Project Agreement3/04/1997
Nanda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC 12/07/2018
Nanum Tawap Timber Joint Venture Agreement1/01/2004
Napranum, Mapoon and Aurukun Timber Joint Venture Agreement1/01/2004
Narungga Local Government (Yorke Peninsula) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)6/10/2005 
Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation1/09/2001
Nathan Dam, Glebe Weir Raising and Pipelines Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)14/01/2013  
National Agreement on Closing the Gap27/07/2020 
National Indigenous Reform Agreement - Closing the Gap
National Native Title Council1/01/2006
Neporendi Aboriginal Forum Inc 'Financial Literacy for Indigenous Families' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 26/05/2006
Newman Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA)
Newman/Parnpajinya, Jigalong, Parnngurr, Irrungadji, Punmu and Kunawarritji 'Martumili Artists' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)8/06/2006
Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Deed of Agreement
Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Deed of Settlement 27/11/2003
Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Bushfood Enterprise
Ngadju Heritage Protection Protocol12/12/2000
Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC7/10/2015
Ngadjuri Adnyamathanha Wilyakali Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC30/11/2018
Ngai Tahu Deed of Settlement29/11/1998
Ngalyia Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC28/08/2011
Ngan Aak Kunch Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC16/10/2002 
Nganhurra Thanardi Garrbu Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Body Corporate RNTBC22/11/2019
Ngarla PBC KSCS Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)17/07/2014  
Ngarlawangga Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC24/07/2012
Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC10/06/2005
Ngarrawanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC14/04/2022
Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC6/12/2017
Ngarrindjeri Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA)18/07/2008
Ngrragoonda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC25/11/2013 
Nguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC15/05/2012
Nguiu (Tiwi Islands) 99-Year Lease30/08/2007
Ngullingah Jugun (Our Country) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC26/07/2017
Ngumbarl people
Ngurra Kayanta Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC20/03/2017
Ngurramarla Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC25/03/2020
Nimanburr Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC13/11/2018
Ningbingi Ningguwung Aboriginal Corporation10/07/1985
Nisga'a Nation Fiscal Financing Agreement1/01/2000
Nisga'a Nation Own Source Revenue Agreement1/01/2000
Nisga'a Nation Taxation Agreement1/01/2000
North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA)
North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd (NAILSMA)3/12/2012
North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited
North Queensland Gas Pipeline Central Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)15/12/2003 
North Slave Metis Alliance Participation Agreement with Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.24/03/2000
Northeastern Quebec Agreement31/01/1978
Northern Australian Indigenous Reference Group (IRG)1/12/2017
Northern Gas Pipeline: CLC Tennant Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)7/04/2017 
Northern Gas Pipeline: CLC UCL Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)7/04/2017 
North-West Gas Precinct Agreement
Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Framework Agreement 200418/03/2004
Nukunu Wapma Thura (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC10/04/2019
Nunatsiavut Government
Nunavik Inuit Marine Region Agreement-in-Principle 200225/10/2005
Nyamal Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC6/02/2018
Nyangumarta Karajarri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC30/04/2012
Nyangumarta Warrarn Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC11/03/2009
Nyul Nyul PBC Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC26/11/2018
Ooratippra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC4/05/2000
Ord Final Agreement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)16/08/2006
Overarching Agreement on Indigenous Affairs between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of South Australia17/04/2006
Oxfam Australia
Oxfam International
Palm Island Agreement between the Australian Government and Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council11/10/2007
Palyku-Jartayi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC24/01/2020
Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) Act 2003 (NT)
Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) Bill 20031/01/2003
Parna Ngururrpa (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC18/09/2009
Partnering Agreement between the Government of South Australia and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission1/12/2001
Partnership Agreement between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board and the Many Rivers Regional Council25/09/2002
Partnership Agreement on Economic and Community Development in Nunavik 2002
Partnerships Queensland: Future Directions Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy in Queensland 2005-20101/09/2005
Patta Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC22/09/2005
Phase 1 of Larapinta Stage 4 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)12/08/2004 
Pilbara Energy Pty Ltd (BHP) Gas Pipeline Extension Agreement12/03/1998
Pine Hill West Aboriginal Corporatioin RNTBC24/04/2018
Pine Ridge & Mt Davies Agreements1/01/1998
Pinjarra Aboriginal Women's Group 'Deadly Koorlingka Breakfast Club and MOASH' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)22/02/2006
Pipalyatjara 'Providing mechanical services within the community' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)1/01/2005
PKKP Aboriginal Corporation27/10/2016
Pmarra Tjurritja Alturla Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC5/07/2012
PNG Gas Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)15/05/2008 
Political Accord between Akaitcho Territory Dene First Nations and Government of the Northwest Territories 200013/06/2000
Port Spencer Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)10/09/2020 
Principles of Cooperation between the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council and North Sydney Council17/03/2006
Principles of Cooperation between the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council and the City of Sydney11/04/2006
Pukatja 'Wali K - Establishing a service to repair windows and door frames' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 10/01/2006
PwC Australia
Ranger Uranium Project: Government Agreement (9 January 1979)9/01/1979
Ranger Uranium Project: Section 44 Agreement3/11/1978
Rapi (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC22/08/2018
Raukkan 'Building Community Capacity' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)30/05/2006
Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) on Indigenous Employment in Port Hedland 7/11/2006
Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) on Indigenous Employment in the East Kimberley 7/11/2006
Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision on the De Beers Canada Snap Lake Project 2003
Respecting our Culture - Indigenous Accreditation Program
Rio Tinto Alcan Gove Traditional Owners Agreement 11/06/2011
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) Kuruma and Marthudunera Agreement3/06/2011
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) Ngarlawangga Agreement3/06/2011
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) Nyiyaparli Agreement3/06/2011
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Agreement3/06/2011
River Murray and Mallee Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC6/01/2011
Rodinga Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC6/06/2017
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 1996 (CANADA)
RTIO and PKKP People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 15/11/2012
Rubibi Agreement with the State of Western Australia (29 October 2004)29/10/2004
Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement 1994
Saibai Mura Buway (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC6/06/1997
Sandstone East Land Transfer Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)23/09/2016 
Sasol Inzalo Black Economic Empowerment ('BEE') Transaction16/05/2008
Sasol Mining Pty Ltd and Ixia Coal Pty Ltd Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Transaction 11/10/2007
Shepparton 'Supporting Aboriginal Home Ownership' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 24/04/2006
Snake Creek Exploration Joint Venture18/03/1998
Snake Creek Mining Mortgage and Charge18/03/1998
Snap Lake Diamond Project Agreement to Support the Secondary Diamond Industry In the Northwest Territories 2004
Snap Lake Diamond Project Socio-Economic Agreement 2004
Songman Circle of Wisdom Indigenous Plant Certification Protocol1/01/2004
South Nicholson River Agreement1/01/1998
South West Boojarah #2 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)17/10/2018 
Sponsorship Agreement between Juluwarlu Group Aboriginal Corporation and Woodside Australian Energy Ltd
State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (Qld)
Statement of Commitment to a New and Just Relationship between the Government of Western Australia and Aboriginal Western Australians10/10/2001
Steering Committee for the Development of a Victorian Native Title Settlement Framework18/03/2008
Stokes Range Agreement1/01/1999
Strategic Alliance between Hudson and the Ngarda Ngarli Yarndu Foundation29/11/2005
Striker Resources and the Balangarra People Accord20/08/1997
Supply Nation
Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC15/12/1994
Tanami Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) 27/10/2008
Tangalooma Indigenous Land Use Agreement 
Tarlka Matuwa Piarku Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC21/11/2014
Tatampi Puranga Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC25/11/1994
Taungurung Recognition and Settlement Agreement (TRSA)10/08/2020
Taungurung Settlement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)30/04/2020 
Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 6) Bill 2012 and Explanatory Memorandum  
Terrain Natural Resource Management
Thaa-Nguigaar Strathgordon Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC22/06/2007
The Engagement of Traditional Owners in the Economic Development of Northern Australia 31/01/2022
The Mount Todd Deed of Agreement28/01/1993
The Nomads Charitable and Educational Foundation Inc
The Principles Communique on Indigenous Fishing22/12/2004
TIMOR GAP TREATY between Australia and the Republic of Indonesia on the Zone of cooperation in an area between the Indonesian Province of East Timor and Northern Australia11/12/1989 
Timor Sea Treaty20/05/2002 
Tiyatiya Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC6/09/2016
Tjamu Tjamu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC13/03/2003
Tjayiwara Unmuru Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC13/03/2013
Tjurabalan Native Title Land Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC7/01/2002
Tlicho Agreement Implementation Plan
Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement25/08/2003
Toolka Land Trust Indigenous Land Use Agreement ('ILUA')11/10/2019 
Top End (Default PBC/CLA) Aboriginal Corporations RNTBC7/03/2013
Tourism BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) Charter Council
Tourism BEE Industry Transformation Charter and Scorecard8/05/2005
Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone Boundary and Certain Seabed Boundaries14/03/1997
Twenga Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC7/05/2016
Tyatyekwenhe Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC8/06/2013
Tywele Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC28/02/2017
Ugar Kem Le Ged Zeuber Er Kep Le (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC7/01/2002
Umbrella Final Agreement between the Government of Canada, The Council for Yukon Indians and the Government of the Yukon29/05/1993
United Nations24/10/1945
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea10/12/1982
Upper Burdekin Wind Farm Indigenous Land Use Agreement27/06/2022 
Uutaalnganu Aboriginal Corporation7/10/2021
Victoria Communique 22/06/2000
Victorian Native Title Settlement Framework4/06/2009
Waanyi Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC16/09/2010
Waarnthuurr-iin Aboriginal Corporation13/11/2015
Wabubadda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC13/09/2008
Wadjanbarra Tableland Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC30/08/2008
Wagyl Kaip & Southern Noongar Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)17/10/2018 
Waiohau Deed of Settlement1/12/2004
Waitomo Deed of Settlement11/03/1996
Wajarri Yamaji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC1/09/2003
Wakamurru (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC28/06/2018
Wakeyama (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC1/08/2005
Wala Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC18/03/2013
Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC8/04/2014
Walka Wani Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC11/11/2011
Walmbaar Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC28/08/1998
Wanarn Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)13/08/2005
Wangaan (Southern) Gumbaynggirr Nation Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC14/08/2014
Wangkangurru Yarluyandi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC11/09/2014
Wangkangurru Yarluyandi Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) - Macumba13/01/2015  
Wanjina-Wanggurr (Native Title) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC17/09/2006
Wanparta Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC7/11/2006
Wanyurr Majay Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC11/01/2006
Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC22/10/2015
Warga Badda Nywaigi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC14/08/2017
Warlmanpa Warumungu Aboriginal Corporation10/08/2018
Warraberalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC2/06/2000
Warrgamay Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation23/06/2021
Warrwa Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC1/12/2020
Westbank First Nation Self-Government Agreement 20033/10/2003
Western Cape Regional Partnership Heads of Agreement 26/03/2008
Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation (Jamukurnu-Yapalikunu) RNTBC17/04/2003
Western Mining Corporation (WMC) Olympic Dam Agreements1/03/1999
Western Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC30/12/1998
Westside Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)8/01/2019 
Whadjuk People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)17/10/2018 
Whole of Government Initiatives1/01/2002
Widi Aboriginal Corporation 24/09/2018
Wiluna Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA)
Wintawari Guruma Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC8/02/2007
Wirrawandi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC11/07/2018
Woodgoomungooh Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC3/04/2019
Woorabinda 'Timber Products' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)19/01/2006
Woppaburra 'Woppaburra' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)14/06/2006
World Smart Retail
World Vision Australia1/01/1966
Wulli Wulli Nation Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC24/07/2015
Wura Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC14/02/2019
Wuthathi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC9/12/2008
Yaegl Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC24/06/2015
Yalata 'Yalata Women's Art Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 9/12/2005
Yamatji Nation Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)30/07/2020 
Yandicoogina Regional Land Use Agreement1/03/1997
Yandruwandha/ Yawarrawarrka Traditional Land Owners (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC2/08/2001
Yankanjini Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC20/07/2012
Yankunytjara Mtutjara Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC12/12/2014
Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC5/11/2010
Yarnangu Ngaanyatjarraku Parna Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC9/01/2005
Yarrabah Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement4/10/2011
Yawuru Area Agreement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 6/08/2010
Yawuru Native Title Holders Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC13/02/2008
Yawuru Prescribed Body Corporate Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) - Broome24/05/2010
Yellowknives Kwe K'a Ndi Participation Agreement with Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.27/10/2000
Yilka Talintji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC10/06/2016
Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC30/03/2004
Yindjibarndi Ngurra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC11/10/2017
Yingawurnarri Proposed Lot 64(A) Town of Top Springs Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 7/01/2014  
Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation22/11/2019
Yinhawangka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC29/01/2013
Yued Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)17/10/2018 
Yulluna Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Body Corporate RNTBC8/09/2008 
Yungngora Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC30/07/2008
Yurriyangem Taam Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC26/07/2021
Yuwaalaraay/Euahlayi Aboriginal Corporation

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