Name | Date | Documents |
Great Sandy Desert Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) - Infrastucture | 23/11/2020 |  |
Northern Gas Pipeline: Phillip Creek Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/04/2017 |  |
Reef Oil Pty Ltd | 16/12/2015 | |
Adnyamathanha Mineral Exploration Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | |  |
AGI Tanami Pty Limited | | |
Alliance Petroleum Australia Pty Ltd | | |
Anvil Australian Petroleum Pty Ltd | 21/04/2120 | |
APLNG & Mandandanji Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 19/10/2011 | |
APLNG and Area E Native Title Group Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/04/2014 |  |
APLNG and Gaangalu Nation People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/01/2014 |  |
APLNG and Iman People Fairview and Eurombah Creek Projects Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 4/09/2013 |  |
APT Pipelines (NT) Pty Ltd | | |
Armour Energy Limited | | |
Arrow Barada Barna People and Wiri People LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/06/2011 | |
Arrow Barada Barna People LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/06/2011 |  |
Arrow Birri LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/07/2011 | |
Arrow Darumbal LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 21/09/2012 |  |
Arrow Darumbal LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) No.2 | 6/11/2015 |  |
Arrow Energy Pty Ltd | |  |
Arrow Energy Western Downs Unclaimed Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 19/09/2013 |  |
Arrow Jangga LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 9/12/2011 |  |
Arrow Wiri LNG Project Indigneous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/06/2011 | |
Australia Pacific LNG and Iman People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 11/11/2011 |  |
Australia Pacific LNG Pty Limited & Australia Pacific LNG CSG Transmissions Pty Limited | | |
Australia Pacific LNG Pty Limited Wulli Wulli Djaku-nde and Jangerie Jangerie Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/09/2011 | |
Australia Pacific LNG Pty Ltd | | |
Australia Pacific LNG Pty Ltd and Australia Pacific LNG Gladstone Pipeline Pty Ltd (individually and collectively APLNG) | | |
Australia Pacific LNG Pty Ltd, Australia Pacific LNG Gladstone Pipeline Pty Ltd, Australia Pacific LNG (Shared Facilities) Pty Ltd and Australia Pacific LNG Processing Pty Ltd | | |
Barunggam, Cobble Cobble, Jarowair, Western Wakka Wakka, Yiman and QGC Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/03/2010 | |
Basin Oil Pty Ltd | 16/12/2015 | |
Beach Energy Ltd | | |
BGP Douglas North Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/03/2009 |  |
BGP Fish River Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/03/2009 |  |
BGP Northern Land Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/03/2009 | |
BGP Tenure Holdings Pty Ltd | 4/03/2008 | |
BGP West Ban Ban Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/03/2009 |  |
Bigambul & QGC Pty Ltd Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/01/2012 | |
Blina Minerals NL | | |
Bowen Central Coal Pty Ltd | | |
Bridge Oil Developments Pty Ltd | 16/12/2015 | |
Bridgefield Pty Limited | | |
Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited | | |
Bunbury Pipeline Act 1997 (WA) | | |
Buru Energy Limited | | |
Buru Energy Ltd | | |
Cape York Pipeline Company Pty Ltd | | |
Central Petroleum and others and Central Land Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)re: Exploration Permits 82, 112, 118 and 125 | 13/06/2008 | |
Central Queensland Pipeline Pty Ltd | | |
Charter for the South African Petroleum and Liquid Fuels Industry | | |
Circumpacific Energy Corporation | | |
Cockatoo Coal Limited and Iman People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/10/2012 |  |
ConocoPhillips Australasia | | |
Cooper Energy Ltd | | |
Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline Act 1997 (WA) | 12/12/1997 | |
DBNGP (WA) Nominees Pty Ltd | | |
Delhi Petroleum Pty Ltd | | |
Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) (Cth) | | |
Diamond Resources (Canning) Pty Ltd | | |
Diamond Resources (Fitzroy) Pty Ltd | | |
Dianne Mining Corporation Pty Ltd | | |
Dieri Geotechnics Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 29/06/2016 |  |
Dingo Gas Production Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/07/2020 |  |
Dja Dja Wurrung and Excalibur Mining Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/03/2014 |  |
Djaku-nde & Jangerie Jangerie & Wakka Wakka People and QGC Pty Limited (Balance Area) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/11/2010 |  |
Djaku-nde & Jangerie Jangerie & Wakka Wakka Peoples & QGC Pty Limited Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/09/2010 |  |
Djaku-nde People | | |
Drillsearch Energy Limited | | |
Dugulburra Ecological and Environmental Services Group | | |
Eastern Kuku Yalanji & Ergon Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/10/2007 |  |
Empire Energy Group Ltd | | |
Energy Pipelines Act 1981 (NT) | | |
Enertrade - Darumbal CQGP Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/02/2007 | |
Enertrade - Kangoulu CQGP Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/08/2007 | |
Enertrade - PCCC CQGP Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2007 | |
Envestra Limited | | |
Ergon Energy and Northern Cape York Group #1 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 2/04/2015 |  |
Esso Australia Resources Pty Ltd | | |
Geokinetics (Australasia) Pty Ltd | | |
GHD Australia | | |
Gidgealpa Oil Pty Ltd | | |
Gournditch Mara and Essential Petroleum Resources Ltd Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 30/01/2007 |  |
Great Sandy Desert Project - Exploration and Production Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/11/2020 |  |
Groote Eylandt Mining Company Pty Ltd | 1/12/1964 | |
Gunaikurnai and Icon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/09/2013 |  |
Gunditjmara - SEAGAS Port Campbell VIC to Torrens Island SA Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 25/08/2015 |  |
Gurang Land Council and Central Queensland Pipeline Pty Ltd Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 22/12/2008 |  |
Icon Energy Ltd | | |
Imperial Oil & Gas Pty Ltd | | |
Impress (Cooper Basin) Pty. Ltd. | | |
Indjalandji-Dhidhanu and Jemena Northern Gas Pipeline Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 21/12/2016 |  |
Inland Oil (Production) Pty Ltd | | |
Inova Resources Cloncurry Mines Pty Ltd | | |
IOR Energy Pty Ltd | | |
Jemena Northern Gas Pipeline Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/05/2017 |  |
Jemena Northern Gas Pipeline Pty Ltd | | |
Jinka Minerals Ltd | | |
Joint Bar-Barrum Jirrbal Herberton Project Indigneous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/07/2008 | |
Julieanne Eisemann and others on behalf of the Djaku-nde, Jangerie Jangerie and Wakka Wakka People | | |
Kalkadoon and Jemena Northern Gas Pipeline Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 8/05/2017 |  |
Katherine George and Others | | |
Kentor Minerals (NT) Pty Ltd | | |
Kintyre Mining Development Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 19/08/2013 |  |
Macedon Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 23/06/2010 |  |
Mandandanji People and QGC Pty Limited Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/05/2011 | |
Marubeni Coal Pty Ltd | | |
Mawson Petroleum Pty Limited | | |
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Department of Minerals and Energy (South Africa) and the South African Petroleum Industry Association | 30/11/2004 | |
Minister for Energy and Mining for the State of South Australia | | |
Minister for Mines and Petroleum (WA) | | |
Minister for Mines and Petroleum (Western Australia) | | |
Moonie Pipeline Company Pty Ltd | | |
Mortlake Power Station Project Gas Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 27/09/2006 |  |
Natural Gas Authority Act 1967 (SA) | | |
Nebo Central Coal Pty Ltd | | |
Northern Gas Pipeline: CLC Tennant Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/04/2017 |  |
Northern Gas Pipeline: CLC UCL Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/04/2017 |  |
North-West Gas Precinct Agreement | | |
NT Gas Pty Ltd | | |
Nyikina Mangala Ungani Project Infrastructure Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/06/2015 |  |
Oil Basins Pty Ltd | | |
Oilwells Inc of Kentucky | | |
Origin Energy Resources Limited | 16/12/2015 | |
Owen Springs Gas Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 10/06/2008 |  |
Owen Springs Transmission Line Indigenous Land Use agreement (ILUA) | 12/12/2008 | |
Paltar Petroleum Limited | 22/03/2011 | |
Permian Oil Pty Ltd | | |
Petrex Australia Pty Ltd | | |
Petroleum Act 1981 (NT) | | |
Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (Qld) | | |
Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000 (SA) | | |
Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 (WA) | | |
Petronas Australia Pty Limited | | |
Pilbara Gas Pipeline Pty Ltd | | |
PNG Gas Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/05/2008 |  |
QGC and Barada Barna Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 8/05/2012 |  |
QGC Pty Limited | | |
QGC Pty Limited - Jangga Indigenous Land Use Agreement | 2/03/2013 | |
QGC, Barada Barna and Wiri Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 8/05/2012 | |
Queensland Coal Pty Ltd | | |
Roc Oil (Canning) Pty Limited | | |
Roverton Pty Ltd | | |
Sandover Petroleum Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 31/01/2007 |  |
Santos & Petronas & Karingbal People GLNG Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 11/05/2010 |  |
Santos (BOL) Pty Ltd | 16/12/2015 | |
Santos (NARNL Cooper) Pty Ltd | 16/12/2015 | |
Santos GLNG Pty Ltd | | |
Santos Petroleum Pty Ltd | 16/12/2015 | |
Santos Petronas Gangulu GLNG Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/04/2010 |  |
Santos Petronas Murribinbi Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas (GLNG) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/09/2011 |  |
Santos Petronas Port Curtis Coral Coast GLNG Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/06/2010 |  |
Santos, Petronas and Iman People #2 GLNG Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 18/10/2010 |  |
Santos/Petronas/Bidjara GLNG Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/11/2010 |  |
Santos/Petronas/Bidjara/Karingbal People GLNG Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/11/2010 |  |
Santos-Wongkumara People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 3/08/2012 |  |
Sasol Inzalo Black Economic Empowerment ('BEE') Transaction | 16/05/2008 | |
Scriven Exploration Pty Ltd | 18/04/1984 | |
Senex Energy Ltd | | |
South African Petroleum Industry Association | | |
Stanwell Corporation Limited | 1/07/1997 | |
Sumisho Coal Development Queensland Pty Ltd | | |
Surat Gladstone Pipeline Pty Ltd | | |
Surat Gladstone Pipeline Pty Ltd and Port Curtis Coral Coast Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 2/11/2010 | |
Surat Gladstone Pipeline SGP Iman Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 30/08/2010 | |
Tanami Gas Pipeline: Napperby Perpetual Pastoral Lease Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/05/2018 |  |
Tanami Gas Pipeline: Narwietooma Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/05/2018 |  |
Terrain Natural Resource Management | | |
Theia Energy Pty Ltd | 28/02/2017 | |
Umbrella Final Agreement between the Government of Canada, The Council for Yukon Indians and the Government of the Yukon | 29/05/1993 | |
Vamgas Pty Ltd | | |
Walker Resources Pty Ltd | | |
Wangkangurru/Yarluyandi Petroleum Conjunctive Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 2/03/2012 |  |
Wiso Oil Pty Ltd | 26/11/2010 | |
Yandruwandha/Yawarrawarrka Claim Settlement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/12/2015 |  |
Yungngora Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, Buru Energy Limited and Diamond Resources (Canning) Pty Ltd Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/09/2016 |  |
ZeroGen - Darumbal Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/12/2008 | |
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