Agriculture agreements cover agricultural activities or practices, or grants for agricultural purposes.
A A Company Ltd
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005 (Cth)1/01/2005
Aileron Pastoral Holdings Pty Ltd (APH)23/04/2015
Ammaroo Pty Ltd
Arrrabury Pastoral Company Pty Ltd
Arubiddy Pastoral Company Pty Ltd
Bagira Pty Ltd (Wydgee Station)
Bana Mindilji Aboriginal Corporation14/12/2001
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation and Jurlique International Joint Venture Agreement
Birri People & Comerford Indigenous Land Use Agreement21/10/2011 
Birri People and Rea Indigenous Land Use Agreement21/10/2011 
Brickhouse and Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)31/05/2021 
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Transformation Charter for Agriculture9/02/2007
Buthera Agreement16/02/2018 
Calliope Cattle Company
Campbell v Northern Territory of Australia [2011] FCA 5802/06/2011
CC Cooper & Co Pty Ltd
Central Stockcare Pastoral Pty Ltd
Chandra Louise Ridley
Cheela Plains Pastoral Co Pty Ltd
Circular Head 'Community Garden Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) 14/11/2005
Clover Cattle Co Pty Ltd
Coongan Aboriginal Corporation28/05/1982
DA Weir Pty Ltd
Deerubbin Local Aboriginal Land Council
Department of Agriculture (South Africa)
Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) (Cth)
Dooley (Winyirin) Bin Bin
Dugulburra Ecological and Environmental Services Group
Emu Point 'Working Towards Self-Sufficiency' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)29/03/2005
Eringa People - Crown Point Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 17/09/2012
Eringa People - Eringa/Hamilton Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)
Eringa People - Mount Sarah Pastoral Lease Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 18/09/2012
Eringa People - Stevenson Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 18/09/2012
Forrest and Forrest Pty Ltd
Free Eyre Limited
Glen Florrie and Combined Thiin-Mah, Warriyangka, Tharrkari, Jiwarli Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)15/06/2020 
Greenfield Pastoral Company Ltd
Gulin Gulin Buffalo Company Land Use Agreement14/11/2002
HGM Pastoral Pty Ltd
Incitec Pivot Ltd
Isis Central Sugar Mill Rail Agreement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)6/03/2020 
Isis Sugar Mill Company Limited
Jemarkin Nominees
John Ernest Lynch 
Kalkaroo Pastoral Co Pty Ltd
Kimberley Thomas de Pledge
King v Northern Territory of Australia [2011] FCA 582 2/06/2011
Kowanyama People v State of Queensland [2009] FCA 1192 (22 October 2009)22/10/2009 
Kwanlin Dun First Nation Final Agreement 19/02/2005
L & S Nominees Pty Ltd
Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management Act 2002 (Qld)
Land Tenure Agreement between the State of Queensland, the Western Yalanji People, and Alan and Karen Pedersen28/09/1998
Lexcray Pty Ltd7/10/1983
Marta Marta 'Developing an Agricultural Enterprise' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA)1/01/2005
Matthew John Thompson and Elizabeth Anne MacLeay
Mileura Cattle Co.
Minister for Transport, Infrastucture and Local Government (South Australia)
Minnie Creek and Combined Thiin-Mah, Warriyangka, Tharrkari, Jiwarli Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)15/06/2020 
Moockra Vale Pastoral Co Pty Ltd
Moolooloo Proprietors Pty Ltd
Mount X2 Management Pty Ltd
Mt Augustus Station (1980) Pty Ltd
Mutooroo Pastoral Company Pty
National African Farmers' Union
Ngapurrpinkakujarra Group, the Yingawunari Group, the Narlwan Group, the Luwaja Group, the Tururrutpa Group, the Beregumayin-Ngarrajanaggu Group
Ngapurrpinkakujarra group, the Yingawunarri group, the Purrurruka group
Ngarlawangga and Bulloo Downs Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)5/05/2017 
Northern Rivers Area Consultative Committee
North-West Gas Precinct Agreement
Nutt Bros Pty Ltd
Oceanic Cattle Stations (Aust) Pty Ltd
Panchek Pty Ltd & Costello Holdings NT Pty Ltd
Panoy Pty Ltd
Paraway Pastoral Company Ltd
Pardoo Beef Corporation Irrigated Agriculture Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 20/11/2018 
Pardoo Beef Corporation Irrigated Agriculture Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (Body Corporate) 20207/05/2021 
Pastoral Management Pty Ltd
Rapisarda Investments Pty Ltd
Rawlinna Proprietors (Childara Pty Ltd & Commonwealth Hill Pty Ltd & Vanesk Pty Ltd)12/06/1951
RD Oldfield Pty Ltd
Redtrail Pty Ltd
Rory Joseph de Pledge
Samco Beef Pty Ltd
South Australian Apiarists Association Inc
Stanley Wine Co Pty Ltd
State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (Qld)
Steering Committee for the Development of a Victorian Native Title Settlement Framework18/03/2008
Strelley Nyamal Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)17/11/2000 
Strelley Pastoral Pty Ltd
Teetulpa Pastoral Co Pty
Terrain Natural Resource Management
Thalanyji and Glen Florrie Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)7/01/2010 
Thalanyji and Koordarrie Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 7/01/2010 
Thalanyji and Minderoo Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 7/01/2010 
Thalanyji and Nyang (Emu Creek) Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 7/01/2010 
Thalanyji and Yanrey Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) 7/01/2010 
Thames Pastoral Company Pty Ltd
The Banking Association South Africa
The Engagement of Traditional Owners in the Economic Development of Northern Australia 31/01/2022
The Pilbara Strike1/05/1946
The Steering Committee for the Draft Framework of AgriBEE
Tieyon Pastoral Company Pty Ltd
Transvaal Agricultural Union South Africa
Unalla Pastoral Co Pty Ltd
Wavehill v Northern Territory of Australia [2011] FCA 5842/06/2011  
Westag Holdings Pty Ltd (Windimurra Station)
Western Cape Communities Heads of Agreement
Williambury and Combined Thiin-Mah, Warriyangka, Tharrkari, Jiwarli Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)15/06/2020 
Wine-BEE Industry Transformation Charter and Scorecard
Wollogorang Cattle Company Pty Ltd
Yarramba Pastoral Pty Ltd
Young v Northern Territory of Australia [2011] FCA 5832/06/2011

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