Name | Date | Documents |
Great Sandy Desert Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) - Infrastucture | 23/11/2020 |  |
Housing New Zealand Corporation | | |
Lily Hole Creek Community Living Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 18/11/2009 |  |
Masig Infrastructure and Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/12/2020 |  |
Residential Tenancies Act 1999 (NT) | | |
Woorabinda Social Housing and Home Ownership Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 26/05/2011 |  |
AACAP (Laura) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 4/11/2016 |  |
Agreement between Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation and Optus | 1/01/2004 | |
Agreement between the Commonwealth Government, ATSIC and the New South Wales Government on the Provision and Management of Housing and Housing Related Infrastructure for Aboriginal People and Torres Strait Islanders | 1/01/2001 | |
Agreement Concerning a New Relationship Between the Government of Quebec and the Crees of Quebec | 7/02/2002 | |
Agreement for the Provision and Management of Housing and Infrastructure for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Queensland (excluding the Torres Strait Region) | 20/02/2001 | |
Agreement for the Provision and Management of Housing and Related Infrastructure for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People of the Northern Territory | 30/06/1995 | |
Agreement for the Provision and Management of Housing and Related Infrastructure for Indigenous People in the Northern Territory | 1/08/2002 | |
Agreement for the Provision and Management of Housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in South Australia | 1/01/2002 | |
Agreement for the Provision of Essential Services to Indigenous Communities in Western Australia | 18/10/2000 | |
Agreement for the Provision of Housing and Infrastructure for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Western Australia | 1/07/2002 | |
Agreement for the Provision of Housing and Infrastructure for Indigenous People in the Northern Territory | 12/12/2005 | |
Agreement for the Provision of Housing for Indigenous People (ACT) | 1/10/2005 | |
Agreement for the Provision of Housing, Infrastructure and Essential Services for Indigenous People in Western Australia | 1/11/2005 | |
Airservices Australia - Ngaanyatjarra Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 18/01/2006 |  |
Alice Springs to Darwin Railway Agreement | 1/09/1998 |  |
Alice Springs Town Camp Agreement | | |
Alpurrurulam 'Community Centre and Internet Cafe' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 4/05/2005 | |
Alpurrurulam Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 23/09/2010 |  |
Amata 'Amata Pool' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 10/01/2006 | |
Amplitel Pty Ltd | | |
Angus Downs Joint Management Indigenous Protected Area | | |
Anketell Port, Infrastruture Corridor and Industrial Estates Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 27/07/2014 |  |
APLNG and Gaangalu Nation People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/01/2014 |  |
APLNG and Iman People Fairview and Eurombah Creek Projects Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 4/09/2013 |  |
Ariadne Area Agreement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 27/06/2003 |  |
Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Program (AACAP) | 14/11/1996 | |
Arrow Darumbal LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 21/09/2012 |  |
Arrow Darumbal LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) No.2 | 6/11/2015 |  |
Arrow Jangga LNG Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 9/12/2011 |  |
Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation | 2/06/2000 | |
ATP701P CSG Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 8/08/2003 |  |
Aurizon Pty Ltd | | |
Aurukun Bauxite Development Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 25/02/2015 |  |
Aurukun Township and Access Road Agreement (ILUA) | 18/03/2003 |  |
Australia Pacific LNG and Iman People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 11/11/2011 |  |
Australian Customs Service Antenna Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/02/2003 |  |
Australian Gas Light Company Agreement | 10/12/1997 | |
Avonvale 'Maali Program' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 7/11/2007 | |
Badu Infrastructure and Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 26/02/2019 |  |
Badu Island - Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2005 |  |
Badu Island Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2005 |  |
Badu Island Police Station and Watchhouse Indigenous Land Use Agreement | 28/10/2011 |  |
Badu Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/05/2015 |  |
Ballardong People Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/10/2018 |  |
Bar Barrum #2-#7 and Tablelands Regional Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 21/09/2012 |  |
Barada Barna and Bowen Basin Coal Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 27/04/2021 |  |
Barada Barna and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 30/08/2016 |  |
Barada Barna and Lotus Creek Wind Farm Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 25/08/2020 |  |
Barada Barna People and Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 29/08/2016 |  |
Barada Kabalbara Yetimarala People and Lotus Creek Wind Farm ILUA | 9/10/2021 |  |
Bar-Barrum and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/01/2003 |  |
Bar-Barrum and Herberton Shire Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/10/2002 |  |
Bar-Barrum and Mareeba Shire Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 8/03/2002 |  |
Bar-Barrum and Telstra Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 18/02/2002 |  |
Barkuma 'Better Facilities for the Neighbourhood Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 11/05/2005 | |
Barngarla and Lucky Bay Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 26/04/2018 |  |
Barrow Creek 'Building the Community' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 28/04/2005 | |
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education / Northern Territory Government Partnership Agreement | 1/07/2007 | |
Bayulu 'Building a Sense of Community' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 28/02/2005 | |
BGP Douglas North Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/03/2009 |  |
BGP Fish River Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/03/2009 |  |
BGP Northern Land Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/03/2009 | |
BGP West Ban Ban Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/03/2009 |  |
BHPP - Minerva Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 18/11/1999 |  |
Bidyadanga Initial Works Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/07/2011 |  |
Bidyadanga 'Youth Centre Redevelopment' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 16/03/2007 | |
Bigambul & QGC Pty Ltd Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/01/2012 | |
Bigambul People and Local Governments Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/03/2017 |  |
Bilateral Agreement between the Commonwealth Government and the Government of South Australia regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing | 23/02/1999 | |
Billiluna 'Community Facilities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 10/03/2005 | |
Billiluna 'Fuel Bowsers' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 13/06/2005 | |
Binjari 'Fencing Houses' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 3/01/2007 | |
Birchip Hospital Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/03/2001 |  |
Birregurra - Paaratte Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 25/01/2002 |  |
Birriah People and Adani Mining North Galilee Basin Rail Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 4/11/2014 |  |
Birriah People and Collinsville, Scottsville and District Historical Society Inc Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/11/2018 |  |
Blackwater and South Blackwater Mines Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/10/2003 |  |
Blairgowrie Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 21/12/2001 |  |
Boigu Island (Torres Strait) Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | |  |
Boigu People - Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2005 |  |
Boigu People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2005 |  |
Bonalbo 'Upgrading the Aboriginal Community Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 9/12/2005 | |
Bonya 'Better Food, Better Living' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 18/03/2005 | |
Bonya 'Improving Lifestyle - Women & Children' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 24/04/2007 | |
Borroloola 'Cleaning and Maintenance' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/05/2007 | |
Borroloola 'Working Side by Side - Borroloola and AACAP' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 8/06/2006 | |
Boulia Airport Runway Extension Indigenous Land Use Agreement | 8/10/2019 |  |
Bowraville 'Bowraville Comprehensive Shared Responsibility Agreement' (SRA) | 9/07/2007 | |
Bradshaw Partnering Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/04/2004 |  |
Brisbane Port Holdings Pty Ltd | | |
Brown v Northern Territory of Australia [2013] FCA 1083 | 29/10/2013 |  |
Brown v Northern Territory of Australia [2013] FCA 1084 | 29/10/2013 |  |
Browse LNG Precinct Regional Benefits Agreement | 30/06/2011 | |
Bryant Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/03/2001 |  |
Bulganunna Aboriginal Corporation and Adani Mining Carmichael North Galilee Basin Rail Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/08/2014 |  |
Burdekin Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/03/2006 |  |
Burketown Wharf Upgrade Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/06/2019 |  |
Burringurrah Multi Function Police Facility Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 26/06/2010 |  |
Burrup and Maitland Industrial Estates Agreement Implementation Deed | 1/01/2003 |  |
Buthera Agreement | 16/02/2018 |  |
Cairns Esplanade Project Agreement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 25/09/2000 |  |
Cairns Regional Council - Combined Dulabed & Malanbarra Yidinji - Goldsborough Valley Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/08/2010 |  |
Cairns Regional Council - Mamu People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 10/08/2012 | |
Cape Barren Island 'Building the Community Wellbeing Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 2/06/2005 | |
Cape Barren Island 'Community Harmony Program' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 2/06/2005 | |
Carpentaria Shire Council - Tagalaka People #2 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 23/07/2013 |  |
Carpentaria Shire Council Gkuthaarn and Kukatj Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 2/06/2020 |  |
Carpentaria Shire Council Kowanyama People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 21/10/2014 |  |
Cavanagh v Chief Executive Officer (Housing) [2018] NTSC 52 | 30/07/2018 | |
Ceduna Keys Marina Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 11/12/2006 |  |
Ceduna Town 'Ceduna leadership training and social development through revitalising the TWT Gym' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 13/06/2007 | |
Centor Australia Pty Ltd | | |
Central Queensland Indigenous Development Ltd. | | |
Chalumbin Wind Farm Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement | 4/11/2022 |  |
Chief Executive Officer (Housing) | | |
Chief Executive Officer (Housing) v Young & Anor [2022] NTCA 1 | 4/02/2022 | |
Chum Street Car Park Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/05/2008 |  |
Churdy Pool Siding Special Lease Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 11/11/2011 |  |
Cloncurry Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 22/06/2001 |  |
Coconut Island Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2001 |  |
Comalco Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (Western Cape Communities Co-existence Agreement) | 24/08/2001 |  |
Combined Dulabed & Malanbarra Yidinji - Tablelands Regional Council Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/08/2010 |  |
Combined Dulabed & Malanbarra Yidinji & Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 10/08/2010 |  |
Combined Gunggandji People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement | 3/10/2011 |  |
Combined Mandingalbay Yidinji Gunggandji People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/06/2012 | |
Combined Mandingalbay Yidinji Gunggandji Yarrabah Blockholders Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/09/2011 |  |
Combined Mandingalbay Yidinji Gunggandji Yarrabah Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/09/2011 |  |
Commonwealth State Housing Agreement 1999-2003 | 8/07/1999 | |
Commonwealth State Housing Agreement 1999-2003: Bilateral Agreement (Queensland) | 1/05/2000 | |
Commonwealth State Housing Agreement 2003-2008 | 1/07/2003 | |
Commonwealth State Housing Agreement 2003-2008: Bilateral Agreement (Queensland) | 1/07/2003 | |
Community Harmony Strategy | 1/06/2003 | |
Community Housing and Infrastructure Program | 1/01/2002 | |
Connors River Dam and Pipelines Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/02/2011 |  |
Construction Sector Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Charter | 9/02/2007 | |
Coonana 'Improving Health and Controlling Feral Animals' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 15/06/2005 | |
Coordinator-General | | |
Copmanhurst Projects Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 4/10/2019 |  |
Cox Peninsula Water Supply Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/01/2006 |  |
Creswick Golf Course Redevelopment Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/05/2006 |  |
Croydon Shire Council/Tagalaka People - True Blue Tourist Facility Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/05/2010 |  |
CS Energy | | |
Cultana Expansion Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/02/2013 |  |
Darling Downs to Wallumbilla Pipeline(s) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 29/01/2009 | |
Darnley Island - Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2005 |  |
Dauan Health Care Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/03/2019 |  |
Dauan Island Department of Home Affairs Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/07/2019 |  |
Dauan Island Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2001 |  |
Dauan Island Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) (No. 2 Body Corporate Agreement) | 13/05/2004 |  |
Dauanalgaw (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation and Islanders Board of Industry and Services Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 19/12/2011 | |
Dauanalgaw / Ergon Energy Electricity Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/11/2002 |  |
Deed of Assignment and Assumption of Aboriginal Heritage Agreements | 26/03/1999 | |
Defence Commercial Power Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 23/11/2020 |  |
Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (QLD) | | |
Derby 'Derby Backstreets Clean Up Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 27/04/2007 | |
Diavik Diamonds Project | 1/01/1992 | |
Diavik Diamonds Project Environmental Agreement | 8/03/2000 | |
Dja Dja Wurrung and Chewton Dingo Conservation Centre Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/03/2014 |  |
Djarindjin Aboriginal Corporation | 10/09/1985 | |
Djarindjin Community Enhancement Project Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 15/02/2008 | |
Djiru Cassowary Coast Regional Council Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 29/04/2010 |  |
Djiru Cassowary Coast Regional Council Dunk Island Recreational Reserve Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/12/2018 |  |
Dogrib Treaty 11 Council Participation Agreement with Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. | 6/04/2000 | |
Doojum CLA NT Portion 4984 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/04/2018 |  |
Dunwich Sewage Treatment Plant Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 22/06/2001 |  |
East Point Mackay Project Supplementary | 24/03/2021 |  |
Eastern Gas Pipeline Agreement | 27/08/1997 | |
Eastpoint Mackay Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/03/2005 |  |
Electricity Act 1994 (Qld) | | |
Electricty Act (Queensland) 1994 | | |
EMM Consulting Pty Ltd | 29/01/2010 | |
Emu Point 'Working Towards Self-Sufficiency' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 29/03/2005 | |
Energy Pipelines Act 1981 (NT) | | |
Enertrade - BBKY #4 CQGP Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/11/2006 |  |
Enertrade - Darumbal CQGP Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/02/2007 | |
Enertrade - Jetimarala CQGP Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 31/10/2006 |  |
Enertrade - PCCC CQGP Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2007 | |
Enertrade - SBK CQGP Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 31/10/2006 |  |
Ergon - Mer Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/04/2007 | |
Ergon Energy and Ankamuthi People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 3/11/2011 |  |
Ergon Energy and Boonthamurra People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 9/11/2015 |  |
Ergon Energy and Budjiti People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/11/2015 |  |
Ergon Energy and Girramay Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 27/05/2010 |  |
Ergon Energy and Tableland Yidinji People Indigneous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/12/2012 | |
Ergon Energy Corporation Limited and Iman People #2 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/06/2016 |  |
Erub (Darnley Island) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) #2 | 29/05/2018 |  |
Erub Infrastucture and Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/12/2120 |  |
Erub Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 3/12/2015 |  |
Erubam Le (Darnley Islanders) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2005 |  |
Essential Energy | | |
Ewamian - Etheridge Shire Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) No. 3 | 25/02/2008 | |
Ewamian - Etheridge Shire Council (Charleston Dam Project) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/10/2015 |  |
Ewamian People - Forsayth Wind Farm Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 30/05/2013 |  |
Ewamian People #2 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 23/12/1999 |  |
Ewamian People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 22/01/2014 |  |
Fishing Indigenous Land Use Area Agreement Template (SA) (ILUA) | |  |
FMG - Nyiyaparli Land Access Agreement Indigenous Land Use Agreement WI2019/005 | 16/10/2019 |  |
Forsayth Wind Farm Amendment Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 9/12/2021 | |
Forsayth Wind Farm Pty Ltd | | |
Fortescue Metals Group, Pilbara Infastructure Pty Ltd and Chichester Metal Pty Ltd | | |
Freight Terminals Pty Ltd | | |
Galiwin'ku 'Health, Culture, Facilities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 24/08/2005 | |
Gapuwiyak 'Building Community Capacity' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 3/05/2005 | |
Gawler Ranges - Coondambo Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/06/2010 |  |
Gawler Ranges - Kokatha Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/06/2010 |  |
Gawler Ranges - Moonaree Pastoral Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/06/2010 |  |
Geodynamics Ltd | | |
Georgina River Bridge Project | | |
GHD Australia | | |
Girramay/Cassowary Coast Regional Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 25/05/2010 |  |
Gladstone, Rockhampton and Bundaberg Ports Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/03/2014 |  |
Gnaala Karla Booja Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/10/2018 |  |
Gold Coast Convention Centre Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 25/01/2002 |  |
Grand Central Industries (Holdings) Pty Ltd | | |
Groote Eylandt Agreement-In-Principle for 99-year Leases | 7/08/2007 | |
Groote Eylandt Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) (Stage 1) | 20/05/2008 |  |
Groote Eylandt Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) (Stage 2) | 10/11/2009 |  |
Gudjala People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/04/2014 |  |
Gudjala People and Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 3/10/2014 |  |
Gugu Badhun People and Hidden Valley Cabins Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 10/03/2014 |  |
Gumugal and Ergon Energy Electricity Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/11/2002 |  |
GunaiKurnai and Mt Hotham Alpine Resort Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/08/2013 |  |
Gunditj Mirring Non-Extinguishment Principle Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 30/03/2010 |  |
Gunditjmara - SEAGAS Port Campbell VIC to Torrens Island SA Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 25/08/2015 |  |
Gundungurra Taralga Wind Farm Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/12/2007 |  |
Gunggari Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/12/2008 |  |
Gunggari People #3 and Ergon Energy Corporation Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 27/10/2014 |  |
Gunggari People #3 and Maranoa Regional Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/05/2015 |  |
Gunggari People #4 & Maranoa Regional Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/03/2020 |  |
Gunggari People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/08/2012 | |
Gurang Land Council and Central Queensland Pipeline Pty Ltd Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 22/12/2008 |  |
Hatches Creek 'Establishing the Cattle Yards' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Hauai Deed of Settlement | 30/10/1993 | |
Hope Vale #2 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 11/03/2014 |  |
Hope Vale Arts 'Interpretative Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement | 30/05/2007 | |
Hopevale Congress Aboriginal Corporation - Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 8/04/2014 |  |
Horizon Power | | |
Housing Authority of Western Australia | | |
Hutt Lagoon Aquaculture Project Agreement | 28/08/1998 | |
Hutton Creek Crossing - Comet Ridge Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 21/09/2005 |  |
Iama (Yam Island) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 2/01/2018 |  |
Iama Infrastructure and Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/12/2020 |  |
IBIS/Mer Gedkem le Corporation/Aboriginal and Islander Affairs Corporation Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 4/09/2012 | |
Illawarra Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) | 9/12/2010 | |
Iman People #2 and QGC Pty Limited Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/02/2011 | |
Implementation Plan for the Nisga'a Final Agreement | 1/01/2000 | |
Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Agreement (Tasmania) | 1/01/2005 | |
Indigenous Land Use Agreement relating to Infrastructure on Part Lot 140, Town of Elliott | 21/03/2013 | |
Indigenous Partnership Agreement 2007-2010 (Qld) | 23/07/2007 |  |
Injinoo 'Injinoo Child Care Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 18/08/2007 | |
Injinoo Pre-Prep Facility Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/06/2010 |  |
Innisfail 'Dugulburra Ecological and Environmental Services Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 10/10/2007 | |
Innisfail 'Improving Educational Outcomes' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 19/10/2007 | |
Interim Indigenous Housing Agreement between the Australian Government and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government | 1/07/2004 | |
Isis Central Sugar Mill Rail Agreement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/03/2020 |  |
Ivanhoe 'Air Conditioning for Ivanhoe Youth Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 14/06/2007 | |
Ivanhoe 'Air Cooling' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Jabiru Town Development Authority | | |
Jagera Wyaralong Dam Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 26/02/2008 |  |
Jagera, Yuggera and Ugarapul People and Toowoomba Regional Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 19/09/2008 |  |
James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and Complementary Agreements | 11/11/1975 | |
Jangga People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/10/2013 |  |
Jangga People/Clermont Group Quarry Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 9/12/2013 |  |
Jarlmadangah 'Early Learning Centre and Landscaping Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 24/10/2007 | |
Jasmine Cavanagh | | |
Jila Deed for Exploration | 18/12/1995 | |
Jirrbal People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/02/2011 |  |
Joint Planning Group | | |
Jubilee Quarry Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/10/2019 |  |
Juru (Cape Upstart) People (formerly known as the Birri Gubba (Cape Upstart) People) and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/07/2011 |  |
Juru People and Adani Abbot Point Terminal Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/01/2014 |  |
Juru People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/07/2014 |  |
Juru People and Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/07/2014 |  |
Kalkadoon Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 31/05/2012 | |
Kalkarindji Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 9/09/2010 |  |
Kalkarindji Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 3/11/2008 |  |
Karalundi Comprehensive Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 21/09/2006 | |
Kaurareg / Ergon Energy Electricity Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 9/05/2001 |  |
Kaurareg People / Torres Shire Council / State of Queensland - Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/03/2001 |  |
Kaurareg People and Telstra Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/04/2001 |  |
Kaurareg People v State of Queensland [2001] FCA 657 (23 May 2001) QG 6023 | 23/05/2001 |  |
Kaurareg People v State of Queensland [2001] FCA 657 (23 May 2001) QG 6024 | 23/05/2001 |  |
Kaurareg People v State of Queensland [2001] FCA 657 (23 May 2001) QG 6025 | 23/05/2001 |  |
Kaurareg People v State of Queensland [2001] FCA 657 (23 May 2001) QG 6026 | 23/05/2001 |  |
Kaurareg People v State of Queensland [2001] FCA 657 (23 May 2001) QG 6027 | 23/05/2001 |  |
Kearns on behalf of the Gunggari People #2 v State of Queensland [2012] FCA 651 | 22/06/2012 | |
Kistler Satellite Launch Project Agreement | 1/06/1998 | |
Kitikmeot Inuit Association Participation Agreement with Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. | 23/09/2001 | |
Kluane First Nation Final Agreement 2003 | 11/04/2003 | |
Kneebone Community Living Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 26/05/2021 |  |
Koonibba Community Pipeline Deed of Agreement | 1/10/1996 | |
Kowanyama People - Child Safe House Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 25/05/2010 |  |
Kowanyama People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/06/2013 | |
Kullila Welfare & Aboriginal Housing Corporation | | |
Kullilli People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/09/2014 |  |
Kullilli People and Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/09/2014 |  |
Kupartiya 'Improving sport and recreation facilities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Kwanlin Dun First Nation Final Agreement | 19/02/2005 | |
Land Use and Access Agreement between Western Yalanji, State of Queensland and Noel A. Adam | 28/09/1998 | |
Lara to Birregurra Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 8/04/2004 |  |
Launceston 'TACCA - Children's Health and Wellbeing' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 22/05/2006 | |
Local Agreement between Eurobodalla Shire Council and Aboriginal Community | 1/01/1998 | |
Looma Multi Function Police Facility Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 27/01/2011 | |
Lot 6 Town of Hart Range Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/03/2014 |  |
Lots 112(A), 113(A) and 114(A) Town of Hart Range Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 26/09/2014 |  |
Lutsel K'e Dene Band Participation Agreement with Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. | 24/09/2001 | |
Ma:Mu Cassowary Coast Regional Council Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/11/2010 |  |
Ma:Mu Tablelands Regional Council Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/11/2010 |  |
Mabuiag (No 2) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/12/2015 |  |
Mabuiag Infrastructure and Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | |  |
Mabuiag Island Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2001 |  |
Mabuiag Island Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/08/2013 |  |
Mabuiag People v State of Queensland [2000] FCA 1065 (6 July 2000) | 6/07/2000 |  |
Mabuiag Torres Strait Primary Health Care Centre and Staff Accommodation Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/11/2017 |  |
Mackay Harbour Beach Park Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/08/1999 |  |
Mackay Surf Lifesaving Club Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/08/1999 |  |
Malabugilmah 'Community Facilities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Malabugilmah 'DCITA Sports' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 17/01/2008 | |
Mamu Canopy Walk Agreement Indigneous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/08/2008 | |
Mandingalbay Yidinji People and Cairns City Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 18/05/2006 |  |
Maningrida 'Youth Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 23/06/2006 | |
Mantiyupwi Pty Ltd | 21/01/2008 |  |
Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council Northern Cape York Group #2 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 3/06/2014 |  |
Marthakal Homelands- Elcho Island 'Mechanical Workshop and Training Facility' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 10/05/2006 | |
Masig (Yorke Island) Defence Facilities Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/10/2015 |  |
Masig (Yorke Island) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/08/2015 |  |
Masig Community Hall Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 4/11/2009 |  |
Masig People v State of Queensland [2000] FCA 1067 AND Damuth People v State of Queensland (7 July 2000) | 7/07/2000 |  |
Masigalgal / Ergon Energy Electricity Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/11/2002 |  |
McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust Agreement | 4/07/2007 | |
Melsonby Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 21/02/2018 |  |
Memorandum of Understanding between Tangentyere Council and Alice Springs Town Council | 3/11/2000 | |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Aboriginal Housing Office and TAFE NSW | | |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Gumala Aboriginal Corporation and Western Australia | 24/11/2005 | |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Northern Land Council, the Territory Construction Association, the Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation and the Larrakia Development Corporation | 24/08/2005 | |
Memorandum of Understanding between the NSW Government, South Sydney City Council, the University of Sydney and the Aboriginal Housing Company Ltd | 1/03/2003 | |
Memorandum of Understanding with McArthur River Mining | 1/05/2001 | |
Mer (Murray Island) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) #2 | 10/12/2018 |  |
Mer Island Department of Home Affairs Lease Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 8/08/2018 |  |
Mer Island State School Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/07/2010 | |
Mer Reserve Transfer Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/02/2013 |  |
Mer Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/08/2015 |  |
Metro Adelaide Northern - 'The Parks' - 'Kaurna Plains Primary School - Shade Sail and Security Fencing' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 24/10/2005 | |
Midwest Gas Pipeline Agreement | 1/01/1997 | |
Mildura Marina Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/10/2005 |  |
Minh Way Warr Sewerage Works Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/10/2005 |  |
Minister for Housing and Works (WA) | | |
Minister for Water, Property and Housing (New South Wales) | | |
Minjilang 'New Community Store' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 6/05/2005 | |
Mirning People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 19/02/2014 |  |
Moa (St Pauls Island) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/08/2015 |  |
Moa Infrastructure and Housing Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/12/2020 |  |
Moa Island Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/08/2012 | |
Mortlake Power Station Project Gas Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 27/09/2006 |  |
Mother of All Sheds Program | | |
Mount Riddock CLA NTP 6326(A) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/07/2020 |  |
Mount Saunders Agreement | 1/01/2001 | |
Mount Stretton Loan Agreement | 13/10/1995 | |
Mt John Valley Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/05/2009 |  |
Mulan 'Economic Strength and Healthy Kids' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 11/03/2005 | |
Muluridji People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/01/2012 | |
Muluridji People and Tablelands Regional Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/03/2012 |  |
Mungullah 'Community Revitalisation' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Mura Badulgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation - Badu Island Pre-Prep Facility Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/10/2011 |  |
Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory Agreement | 13/11/2009 |  |
Murdi Paaki Region 'Installation of Air Cooling Units' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Murdi Paaki Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) | 28/01/2009 | |
Nambucca Heads Local Aboriginal Land Council | | |
Nangkiriny v State of Western Australia [2004] FCA 1156 (8 September 2004) | 8/09/2004 |  |
Narungga Local Government (Yorke Peninsula) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/10/2005 |  |
Nathan Dam, Glebe Weir Raising and Pipelines Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/01/2013 |  |
National Agreement on Closing the Gap | 27/07/2020 |  |
National Indigenous Reform Agreement - Closing the Gap | | |
Ngarluma Aboriginal Sustainable Housing (NASH) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/07/2012 | |
Nguiu (Tiwi Islands) 99-Year Lease | 30/08/2007 | |
Ngumpan 'Recreational Facilities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Ninga Mia 'Sport and Recreational Activities for Young People' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Ningbingi Ningguwung Aboriginal Corporation | 10/07/1985 | |
North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA) | | |
North Queensland Gas Pipeline Central Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/12/2003 |  |
North Queensland Gas Pipeline Northern Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/12/2003 |  |
North Queensland Gas Pipeline Southern Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/12/2003 |  |
Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) | 1/07/2016 | |
Northern Cape York Group #2 and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/05/2014 |  |
Northern Peninsula Area Infrastructure Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/12/2005 |  |
Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council Northern Cape York Group #1 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/10/2014 |  |
North-West Gas Precinct Agreement | | |
Ord Final Agreement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/08/2006 | |
Owen Springs Transmission Line Indigenous Land Use agreement (ILUA) | 12/12/2008 | |
Oxfam International | | |
Palm Island Agreement between the Australian Government and Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council | 11/10/2007 | |
Palm Island Improved Land Management Practices Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/07/2011 |  |
Palmerston Indigenous Village 'Keeping young people healthy and active' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Partnering Agreement between the Government of South Australia and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission | 1/12/2001 | |
Partnership Agreement on Economic and Community Development in Nunavik 2002 | | |
Partnerships Queensland: Future Directions Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy in Queensland 2005-2010 | 1/09/2005 | |
Peninsula Development Road Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 11/07/2017 |  |
Phase 1 of Larapinta Stage 4 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/08/2004 |  |
Pilbara Energy Pty Ltd (BHP) Gas Pipeline Extension Agreement | 12/03/1998 | |
Pipalyatjara 'Pool' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 2/02/2007 | |
Pormpuraaw Township Community Development Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 29/08/2016 |  |
Port Spencer Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 10/09/2020 |  |
Port Vincent Marina Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 18/07/2001 |  |
Poruma (Coconut Island) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/08/2015 |  |
Poruma Island Sewerage Scheme Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 27/08/2012 | |
Poruma People v State of Queensland [2000] FCA 1066 (7 July 2000) AND Warraber People v State of Queensland | 7/07/2000 |  |
Porumalgal and Ergon Energy Electricity Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/11/2002 |  |
Pukatja 'Wali K - Establishing a service to repair windows and door frames' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 10/01/2006 | |
Pumpkin Island (Koey Ngurtai) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 27/07/2004 |  |
Raukkan 'Building Community Capacity' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 30/05/2006 | |
Raukkan 'Restoring the Historic Church' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 14/12/2005 | |
Reservoir Ridge Subdivision C Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 2/09/2005 |  |
Residential Development Agreement between the Larrakia and the Northern Territory Government | 1/01/2001 | |
Rio Tinto Alcan Gove Traditional Owners Agreement | 11/06/2011 | |
Rio Tinto Coal Australia Pty Ltd | 11/12/2008 | |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) Kuruma and Marthudunera Agreement | 3/06/2011 | |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) Ngarlawangga Agreement | 3/06/2011 | |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) Nyiyaparli Agreement | 3/06/2011 | |
Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Agreement | 3/06/2011 | |
Roma 'Wattles' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 18/06/2007 | |
Roverton Pty Ltd | | |
RTIO and PKKP People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 15/11/2012 | |
SA Power Networks | | |
Saibai Infrastructure and Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 3/09/2018 |  |
Saibai Island (Torres Strait) Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 10/02/2014 |  |
Saibai Island Additional Staff Accommodation Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/09/2015 |  |
Saibai Island Flood Works Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 19/06/2015 |  |
Saibai Island Health Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 31/01/2012 | |
Saibai Island Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 22/01/2018 |  |
Saibai People v State of Queensland [1999] FCA 158 (12 February 1999) | 12/02/1999 |  |
Sandstone East Land Transfer Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 23/09/2016 |  |
Santos Petronas Murribinbi Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas (GLNG) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/09/2011 |  |
SDWK Nyikina Mangala Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 19/11/2008 |  |
Snake Creek Exploration Joint Venture | 18/03/1998 | |
South Australian State Communique | 21/06/2002 | |
South West Boojarah #2 Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/10/2018 |  |
Specimen Hill Wind Farm Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 6/11/2020 |  |
Specimen Hill Windfarm Pty Ltd | | |
State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (Qld) | | |
Steering Committee for the Development of a Victorian Native Title Settlement Framework | 18/03/2008 | |
Strathgordon Roads Body Corporate Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/01/2010 |  |
Strathgordon/Cook Shire Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 12/01/2010 | |
Stuart Stage 2 Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/08/2005 |  |
Surgant Pty Ltd | 22/07/2005 | |
Tagalaka - Croydon Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) #2 | 11/02/2008 | |
Tagalaka Croydon Area Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) #1 | 19/08/2005 |  |
Tagalaka People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 21/05/2013 |  |
Tanami Gas Pipeline: Narwietooma Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/05/2018 |  |
Telstra and Moa Island Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 23/01/2002 |  |
Telstra and Saibai Island Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/03/2002 |  |
Telstra Badu Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/06/2005 |  |
Telstra Boigu Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/06/2005 |  |
Telstra Darnley Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/06/2005 |  |
Telstra Mandingalbay Yidinji People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/12/2006 |  |
Telstra Ngaanyatjarra Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 11/08/2006 | |
Telstra Stephen Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/06/2005 |  |
Tennant Creek Community Living Areas Memorandum of Understanding | 7/08/2007 |  |
Tennant Creek Corrections Facility Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/02/2011 | |
Tennant Creek 'Men's Group' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 15/06/2006 | |
Terrain Natural Resource Management | | |
The Arabana Native Title Claim Settlement Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 4/12/2012 | |
The Gordon Inquiry | 31/07/2002 | |
The Northern Territory Emergency Response | 17/08/2007 | |
The Raising of Awoonga Dam Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/03/2001 |  |
Tiwi Pontoon Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 26/02/2021 |  |
TKLN Solar Pty Ltd | | |
Topsy Creek Barge Ramp Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 22/01/2018 |  |
Torres Straight Regional Council IBIS Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/03/2012 | |
Torres Strait Housing and Infrastructure Agreement | 1/01/2000 | |
Township of Urapunga Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/09/2005 |  |
TransGrid | | |
Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 (Qld) | | |
Traveston Crossing Dam Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 14/04/2008 | |
Trilateral Indigenous Housing Agreement between the Australian Government, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) | 10/07/2002 | |
Twin Hills Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 3/11/2003 |  |
Twofold Bay Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 29/04/2002 |  |
Ugar (Stephen Island) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 16/09/2015 |  |
Ugar (Stephen Islanders) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2005 |  |
Ugar Community Hall Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 21/12/2017 |  |
Ugar Infrastuctures and Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | |  |
Ugar Island - Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2005 |  |
Urandangie (Marmanya) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2002 |  |
Urapuntja 'Infrastructure Upgrade - Women's Community and Well-Being Centre, A Men's Community and Well-Being Centre, and Staff Housing' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 10/05/2007 | |
Various Applicants from Santa Teresa v Chief Executive Officer (Housing) [2019] NTCAT 7 | 27/02/2019 | |
Vicdon Holdings | | |
Victoria Communique | 22/06/2000 | |
Vitrinite and Barada Barna Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 23/06/2020 |  |
Voisey's Bay Interim Measures Agreement 2002 | 1/01/2002 | |
Waanyi - Burke Shire Council (Gregory Solar Farm Project) Indigenous Land Agreement (ILUA) | 12/03/2017 |  |
Wadeye 'Healthy Housing and Women's Development' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Wagyl Kaip & Southern Noongar Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/10/2018 |  |
Wakathuni 'Greening and Water Management' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 12/02/2007 | |
Wakka Wakka People #3 and Gympie Regional Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/12/2018 |  |
Wallace Rockhole Powerline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 13/03/2014 |  |
Wangan and Jagalingou Aboriginal Communities Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 11/12/2008 | |
Wangka Wilurrara Regional Council Agreement | | |
Wangkatjungka 'Recreation and Cultural Facilities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Warburton Corrective Services Work Camp Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/04/2010 |  |
Warraber (No 2) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/12/2015 |  |
Warraber (Sue Island) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/08/2015 |  |
Warraber (Sue Island) Torres Strait Social Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 22/01/2018 |  |
Warraber / Telstra Island Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 30/07/2002 |  |
Warraber Infrastructure and Housing Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/12/2120 |  |
Warraber Island Primary Health Care Centre Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 11/03/2008 |  |
Warraberalgal / Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/11/2002 |  |
Warrungu People #2 and Tablelands Regional Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/01/2013 |  |
West Inala Panthers 'Pride of Place' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 18/05/2007 | |
Westbank First Nation Self-Government Agreement 2003 | 3/10/2003 | |
Western Yalanji and Cook Shire Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 18/05/2006 |  |
Western Yalanji and Mareeba Shire Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 18/05/2006 |  |
Western Yalanji People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 4/03/2014 |  |
Whadjuk People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 17/10/2018 |  |
Wickham Motorcross Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 8/11/2011 |  |
Widi People and Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 4/07/2019 |  |
Widi People of the Nebo Estate #2, Barada Barna and Ergon Energy Shared Country Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 30/08/2016 |  |
Wik & Wik Way and Cook Shire Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/03/2005 |  |
Wik & Wik Way People and Cook Shire Council Agreement # 2 | 5/11/2009 |  |
Wik Timber Project Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 19/06/2015 |  |
Windlab Development Pty Ltd and Yirendali People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 7/02/2012 |  |
Woorabinda Rehabilitation Facility Indigenous Land Use Agreement | 14/11/2011 |  |
World Vision Australia | 1/01/1966 | |
Wuthathi People and Cook Shire Council Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 26/06/2009 | |
Wutunugurra (Epenarra) Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | | |
Yalata 'New Scout Troop for Kids' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Yalata 'Yalata Comprehensive Shared Responsibility Agreement' (SRA) | 14/09/2007 | |
Yalata 'Yalata Women's Art Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 9/12/2005 | |
Yam Island - Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2005 |  |
Yam Islanders / Tudulaig People Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 24/05/2005 |  |
Yandicoogina Regional Land Use Agreement | 1/03/1997 | |
Yarrabah Housing Project | 1/01/2001 | |
Yarrabah Indigenous Partnership Agreement | 1/10/2007 | |
Yarrabah Local Government Indigenous Land Use Agreement | 4/10/2011 | |
Yarrabah Towers Indigenous Land Use Agreement | 4/10/2011 |  |
Yorke Island (Masig) / Telstra Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 20/05/2002 |  |
Young and Conway v Chief Executive Officer, Housing [2020] NTSC 59 | 30/09/2020 | |
Youngaleena 'Early Childhood Education' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Yulluna People and Ergon Energy Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 18/07/2014 |  |
Yungngora Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, Buru Energy Limited and Diamond Resources (Canning) Pty Ltd Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/09/2016 |  |
Yungngora 'Accommodation Facility' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 17/01/2008 | |
Yungngora 'Health and Hygiene Facilities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Yurol and Ringtail Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 30/03/2021 |  |
ZeroGen - Darumbal Pipeline Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 1/12/2008 | |
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