Name | Date | Documents |
2 Indidge Under 17's Touch Football Team 'Building leadership skills of young women' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 15/12/2005 | |
Aboriginal Landcare Education Program | 26/02/2003 | |
ACT Shared Responsibility Agreement | 15/04/2004 | |
Agreement between the Far West Coast Native Title Group and Iluka Resources | 18/12/2007 | |
Agreement between the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation and the Central Coast Hunter Range Aboriginal Co-Management Committee | 30/03/2007 | |
Agreement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Service Delivery between The Commonwealth of Australia and The Government of Queensland | | |
Akaitcho Interim Measures Agreement 2001 | 28/06/2001 | |
Akaitcho Treaty 8 Framework Agreement 2000 | 25/07/2000 | |
Albury 'Education' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 20/06/2005 | |
Alexandria Park Community School | | |
Anandu Education Services (AES) | | |
Angus Downs Joint Management Indigenous Protected Area | | |
Apology to Former Students of Indian Residential Schools | 11/06/2008 | |
Aroona 'Leadership Skills for Young People' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 17/02/2005 | |
Ashley Youth Detention Centre | | |
Assembly of First Nations | | |
Australian Army | 1/03/1901 | |
Australian Kidney Foundation Agreement | 1/01/1999 | |
Australian Reconciliation Convention | 26/05/1997 | |
Avonvale 'Maali Program' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 7/11/2007 | |
Avonvale Primary School | | |
Bagot 'Community Development' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 8/08/2005 | |
Banatjarl 'Health Education for Children and Young People' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 23/09/2005 | |
Barmera 'Bicycle Workshop' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 23/08/2006 | |
Barrow Creek 'Building the Community' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 28/04/2005 | |
Baryulgil and Malabugilmah 'Better Nutrition, Better Learning' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 19/08/2005 | |
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education | | |
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education / Northern Territory Government Partnership Agreement | 1/07/2007 | |
Bathurst 'Supporting Young People and Families' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 30/03/2007 | |
Bidyadanga 'Making Young People Strong' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/08/2005 | |
Binjari 'Fencing Houses' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 3/01/2007 | |
Bonalbo Aboriginal Corporation | 17/12/2001 | |
Bonalbo 'Upgrading the Aboriginal Community Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 9/12/2005 | |
Booroongen Djugun College | | |
Bourke 'Helping Kids Stay at School' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Bowraville 'Bowraville Comprehensive Shared Responsibility Agreement' (SRA) | 9/07/2007 | |
Brisbane Boys College | | |
Bundaberg 'Bundaberg Families' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 23/03/2006 | |
Bundjalung People and Ross Mining Agreement | 25/07/1997 | |
Burdekin Area Youth Watch | | |
Burketown 'More Resources for the State School' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 28/09/2005 | |
Burringurrah Community Aboriginal Corporation | 9/09/1987 | |
Burringurrah Remote Community School | | |
Burrup and Maitland Industrial Estates Agreement Implementation Deed | 1/01/2003 |  |
Buthera Agreement | 16/02/2018 |  |
Cape Barren Island 'Community Harmony Program' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 2/06/2005 | |
Ceduna Best Practice Statement | | |
Ceduna 'Ceduna, Kooniba and Yalata Cultural Camp' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 19/12/2005 | |
Central Queensland Indigenous Development Ltd. | | |
Centre for Appropriate Technology Partnership | 1/01/1999 | |
Charlottetown Accord 1992 | 1/01/1992 | |
Cherbourg 'Health, Well-Being and Education of Children' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 29/05/2007 | |
Cherbourg 'Reduce Vandalism and Increase School Attendance' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 22/02/2007 | |
Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation | 13/03/1994 | |
Circular Head 'Advancing Women Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/10/2007 | |
Circular Head 'Community History and Cultural Awareness' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 31/10/2005 | |
City of Albany Aboriginal Accord | 27/03/2003 |  |
City of Albany Aboriginal Accord Action Plan | 27/03/2003 |  |
City of Albany Statement of Understanding and Commitment | 30/11/1999 | |
Coal and Allied Cultural Heritage Management Agreement | 1/01/2001 | |
Coffs Harbour Education Campus | | |
Communique between the Government of the State of Tasmania and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) | 14/11/2001 | |
Coober Pedy 'Getting Kids Back to School' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 14/03/2005 | |
Coonabarabran 'Family Violence Prevention Initiatives' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 16/02/2006 | |
Cudbugga Creek Voluntary Conservation Agreement | 16/04/2004 | |
Cunnamulla 'Leadership and Governance' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 19/06/2006 | |
Daguragu 'Heritage and Tourism' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 15/05/2007 | |
Dambimangari Aboriginal Corporation | 18/09/2006 | |
Dare to Lead for Business | | |
Deen Maar Indigenous Protected Area | 1/11/1999 |  |
Deline Self-Government Agreement-in-Principle for the Sahtu Dene and Metis of Deline 2003 | 23/08/2003 | |
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) (Cth) | | |
Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs Memorandum of Understanding | 1/01/1998 | |
Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) (Cth) | | |
Desert Peoples Centre | | |
Dhuruputjpi 'Education, Arts and Nutrition' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 31/08/2005 | |
Doomadgee 'Building the Community' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Eastern Guruma Agreement | 1/01/2001 | |
Elizabeth Dodd & Ors on behalf of the Gudjala People Core Country Claim #1 v State of Queensland & Ors (No. 3) [2014] FCA 231 | 18/03/2014 |  |
Ely Bauxite Mining Project Agreement | | |
Enngonia 'Improving Education' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
FreightLink Indigenous Scholarships | 1/01/2003 | |
Galiwin'ku 'Foodcard' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 17/05/2007 | |
Gapuwiyak 'Building Community Capacity' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 3/05/2005 | |
Gathering Strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan 1998 | | |
Gelganyem 'Education and Training' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Geraldton 'Bayalgu Kicking Goals Higher' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 28/05/2007 | |
Geraldton 'Geraldton Comprehensive Youth Program' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 29/01/2007 | |
Geraldton 'Girlfight2Girlfriend' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 16/05/2007 | |
Gnaala Karla Booja (Boddington) Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) | | |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority | | |
Greater Shepparton Shared Responsibility Agreement | 4/09/2003 | |
Groote Eylandt Agreement-In-Principle for 99-year Leases | 7/08/2007 | |
Groote Eylandt Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) (Stage 1) | 20/05/2008 |  |
Groote Eylandt Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) (Stage 2) | 10/11/2009 |  |
Gulf Communities Agreement | 1/09/1997 | |
Gwichi'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement Implementation Plan 2003 | | |
Hamersley Iron Pty Ltd - Eastern Guruma Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/03/2004 |  |
Hope Vale 'After School Activities for Young People' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 17/10/2005 | |
Hope Vale Arts 'Interpretative Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement | 30/05/2007 | |
Hope Vale 'Partnership' Shared Responsibility Agreement | | |
Hunter (Early Childhood Education) Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 9/02/2007 | |
Hunter Region 2 'Youth' Shared Responsibility Agreement | 2/02/2007 | |
Illawarra Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) | 9/12/2010 | |
Implementation Plan for the Nisga'a Final Agreement | 1/01/2000 | |
Indigenous Partnership Agreement 2007-2010 (Qld) | 23/07/2007 |  |
Injinoo 'Injinoo Child Care Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 18/08/2007 | |
Injinoo Pre-Prep Facility Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 28/06/2010 |  |
Innisfail 'Dugulburra Ecological and Environmental Services Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 10/10/2007 | |
Innisfail 'Improving Educational Outcomes' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 19/10/2007 | |
James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and Complementary Agreements | 11/11/1975 | |
Jarlmadangah 'Early Learning Centre and Landscaping Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 24/10/2007 | |
Junee Correctional Centre 'Wagga Wagga Indigenous Coordination Centre and Junee Correctional Centre Indigenous Inmates Committee' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 4/05/2006 | |
Kalumburu 'Governance Training' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Karrkad Kanjdji Trust | 1/04/2010 | |
Katanning Noongar Artists Community 'Mungart Boodja Art Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 24/02/2006 | |
Kempsey 'Dunghutti Youth' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 18/05/2006 | |
Kempsey 'Support to Complete the Macleay Valley Workplace Learning Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 18/05/2006 | |
K'gari 'Strengthening Culture' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Kluane First Nation Final Agreement 2003 | 11/04/2003 | |
Kluane First Nation Self-Government Agreement 2003 | 18/10/2003 | |
Kluane First Nation Self-Government Agreement Implementation Plan 2003 | 18/10/2003 | |
Kombumerri 'Community and Beenleigh Youth' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 27/04/2007 | |
Kowanyama People v State of Queensland [2009] FCA 1192 (22 October 2009) | 22/10/2009 |  |
Kwanlin Dun First Nation Final Agreement | 19/02/2005 | |
Labrador Innu Comprehensive Healing Strategy 2001 | 1/01/2001 | |
Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement 2003 | 29/08/2003 | |
Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement-in-Principle 2001 | 25/06/2001 | |
Labrador Inuit Land Claims Framework Agreement 1990 | 30/11/1990 | |
Larrakia Nation 'Larrakia Rangers' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 22/02/2006 | |
Larrakia Nation 'Young People and Culture' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Launceston 'TACCA - Children's Health and Wellbeing' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 22/05/2006 | |
Lheidli T'enneh Final Agreement | 29/10/2006 | |
Lloyd McDermott South East Queensland U16 & U18 Rugby Teams 'Southern Skies Tournament' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 31/05/2007 | |
Local Indigenous Partnership Agreement (Mornington Island) | 16/05/2007 | |
Lynette Gail Blucher and others (the Gaangalu Nation People Applicant) | | |
Macleay Valley Workplace Learning Centre Incorporated | | |
Malabugilmah 'DCITA Sports' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 17/01/2008 | |
Maningrida 'Youth Centre' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 23/06/2006 | |
Many Rivers Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) | 25/08/2009 | |
Marthakal Homelands- Elcho Island 'Mechanical Workshop and Training Facility' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 10/05/2006 | |
Mayu Dancers 'Looking Solid' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | | |
MEGT (Australia) Ltd | | |
Memorandum of Understanding between Alexandria Park Community School and University of Technology, Sydney | 17/06/2004 | |
Memorandum of Understanding between Ngaanyatjarra Council (Aboriginal Corporation) and the Department of Education and Training (Western Australia) | 17/10/2001 | |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Comission (ATSIC) and the Independent Education Union | 19/09/2003 | |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Aboriginal Housing Office and TAFE NSW | | |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Borroloola Community Education Centre and McArthur River Mining | 18/03/2002 | |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Cavanagh Family and the Centre for Appropriate Technology | 1/01/2000 | |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Northern Land Council and Jobfind Centres Pty Ltd | 4/02/2004 | |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Queensland University of Technology and the South-East Queensland ATSIC Regional Council | 19/09/2002 | |
Memorandum of Understanding to Increase Indigenous Employment in the Queensland Resources Sector and Related Indigenous Enterprise Development | 23/07/2007 | |
Mer Island State School Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/07/2010 | |
Metis National Council | | |
Metro - Adelaide 'Warriappendi Secondary School Media Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Metro Adelaide Northern - 'The Parks' - 'Kaurna Plains Primary School - Shade Sail and Security Fencing' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 24/10/2005 | |
Milyakburra 'Community Store and Sporting Facilities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 12/04/2006 | |
Minjilang (Mamaruni School) 'Education and Health' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 15/09/2005 | |
Miwatj Memorandum of Understanding | 19/04/2002 | |
Mother of All Sheds Program | | |
Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory Agreement | 13/11/2009 |  |
Murdi Paaki 'Helping Young People Stay at School' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | | |
Murdi Paaki Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) | 28/01/2009 | |
Murdi Paaki Shared Responsibility Agreement | 1/09/2003 | |
Mutual Respect Agreement between the Yugul Mangi Elders and the Northern Territory Police | 29/06/2009 |  |
Napranum 'PCYC' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 22/08/2006 | |
National Agreement on Closing the Gap | 27/07/2020 |  |
National Indigenous Reform Agreement - Closing the Gap | | |
Native Title Petroleum Agreement between the Northern Land Council and Pardi Pty Ltd | 1/01/2003 | |
Neporendi Aboriginal Forum Inc 'Financial Literacy for Indigenous Families' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 26/05/2006 | |
Newman Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) | | |
Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Deed of Settlement | 27/11/2003 | |
Nisga'a Nation Fiscal Financing Agreement | 1/01/2000 | |
North Coast Institute of TAFE | | |
North Eastern Tasmania 'Family Wellbeing Course' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 20/02/2007 | |
Northampton 'Keeping on Track' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 28/05/2007 | |
Northeastern Quebec Agreement | 31/01/1978 | |
North-West Gas Precinct Agreement | | |
NPY Women's Council 'Young women go to summer school' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Nulleywah 'Environmental Health' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 29/03/2006 | |
Nunatsiavut Government | | |
Orange 'Better Pathways For Our Youth' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 31/05/2007 | |
Overarching Agreement on Aboriginal Affairs between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of New South Wales | 17/04/2006 | |
Overarching Agreement on Indigenous Affairs between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of South Australia | 17/04/2006 | |
Oxfam Australia | | |
Oxfam International | | |
Oxygen Farm Conservation Agreement | 1/12/1995 | |
Palm Island Agreement between the Australian Government and Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council | 11/10/2007 | |
Partnering Agreement between the Government of South Australia and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission | 1/12/2001 | |
Partnerships Queensland: Future Directions Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy in Queensland 2005-2010 | 1/09/2005 | |
Peppimenarti 'Developing an art industry in Peppimenarti' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 6/12/2005 | |
Pinjarra Aboriginal Women's Group 'Deadly Koorlingka Breakfast Club and MOASH' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 22/02/2006 | |
Police-Citizens Youth Clubs 'Community Activity Programs through Education' Project | | |
Political Accord between Akaitcho Territory Dene First Nations and Government of the Northwest Territories 2000 | 13/06/2000 | |
Port Augusta/Davenport Communities 'Further Education' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 30/09/2005 | |
Port Augusta/Davenport Communities 'Polly Farmer Foundation' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 21/08/2006 | |
Port Augusta-Davenport 'Support for Students' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Forum | 1/01/1990 | |
Queensland Government Treaty Statement of Commitment | |  |
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) | 1/01/1989 | |
Rio Tinto Alcan Gove Traditional Owners Agreement | 11/06/2011 | |
Roma 'Community Response to School Suspensions' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 27/02/2007 | |
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 1996 (CANADA) | | |
Sarina 'Giving Young People a Future' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Shepparton 'Strengthening Families' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
South Australian Petroleum Exploration and Production Agreement | 6/04/1998 | |
Statement of Reconciliation from Staff of NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service | 16/05/2000 | |
Statewide '3KND Community Radio and Training Facility' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 15/02/2007 | |
Steering Committee for the Development of a Victorian Native Title Settlement Framework | 18/03/2008 | |
Tanami Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) | 27/10/2008 | |
Tara 'Improving School Attendance' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Tennant Creek 'Men's Group' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 15/06/2006 | |
Terrain Natural Resource Management | | |
The Gordon Inquiry | 31/07/2002 | |
The Graham (Polly) Farmer Foundation | | |
The Mount Todd Deed of Agreement | 28/01/1993 | |
Tiwi 'Social Wellbeing and Youth Development' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 13/03/2007 | |
Tlicho Agreement Implementation Plan | | |
Tlicho Intergovernmental Services Agreement | | |
Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement | 25/08/2003 | |
Tokuremoar Reserve Management Plan | 1/01/1996 | |
Tumut 'Bila Park Cultural Heritage Project' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Tumut 'Heritage, Healthy Living and Stronger Families' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/06/2007 | |
University of Melbourne Reconciliation Statement | 1/01/1999 | |
Wadeye "Planning for Better Education" Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Wadeye Shared Responsibility Agreement | 21/03/2003 |  |
Wadja Wadja Aboriginal Corporation for Education | | |
Wagga Wagga 'Black Suns - Youth' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 28/11/2005 | |
Wanarn Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 13/08/2005 | |
Warburton Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Warmun 'School Attendance and Healthy Activities' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Warruwi 'Supporting the School' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 15/09/2005 | |
Watarru 'Watarru Pool' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 3/07/2006 | |
West Inala Panthers 'Positive Living - Positive Life' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 8/04/2006 | |
Westbank First Nation Self-Government Agreement 2003 | 3/10/2003 | |
Western Cape Communities Memorandum of Understanding | 1/01/1996 | |
Wilora 'Better Health and Education' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | | |
Wiluna Regional Partnership Agreement (RPA) | | |
Woorabinda Independent High School Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) | 5/06/2020 |  |
World Vision Australia | 1/01/1966 | |
Yalata 'New Scout Troop for Kids' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Yarrabah Indigenous Partnership Agreement | 1/10/2007 | |
Yilpara 'Education Engagement' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 21/06/2007 | |
Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation | 27/11/1998 |  |
Youngaleena 'Early Childhood Education' Shared Responsibility Agreement (SRA) | 1/01/2005 | |
Yuku-Baja-Muliku Landowner and Reserves Ltd | | |
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