ATNS Working Paper Series

The ATNS Working Paper Series is an occasional multi-disciplinary series of refereed research papers, published from time to time throughout the year. The series allows the ATNS Project to target emerging research issues in a size and format that is useful to a range of audiences, while maintaining a high academic quality guaranteed by submitting papers to a refereeing process.

Working Papers are produced by researchers affiliated with the ATNS Project. Work by other researchers that is relevant to the ATNS Project will be accepted at the discretion of the Editorial Committee. The editors welcome the submission of papers to the ATNS Working Paper Series at any time. Please contact the ATNS Project for a submission guide:

Working Papers
Taylor, J. 'Indigenous Population Projections in Mining Regions: Dividend or Dependency?' (ATNS Working Paper No. 2, 2011)December 2011
Morphy, F. The Yolŋu in Place: Designing a Population Survey for North East Arnhem LandJuly 2012
Miranda Stewart, Maureen Tehan and Emille Boulot Transparency in Resource Agreements with Indigenous People in Australia July 2015
O'Faircheallaigh, C. 'Use and Management of Revenues from Indigenous - Mining Company Agreements: Theoretical Perspectives' (ATNS Working Paper No 1, 2011)June 2011

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